22 Winter pest control tips and tricks

You might think that because summer has passed pests would go with it but sadly that is not the case. Some pests such as ants, roaches, flies, raccoons, squirrels, rats and spiders still come out in full swing during winter. This article explores tips and tricks on how to prevent pests coming in during winter.

Tip 1:

Be sure to close up any gaps in your house from cracks in concrete, holes in wood and openings around doors and windows to prevent pests from entering.

Tip 2:

You can use a sealant or caulking to close openings. Caulk and sealant are good long-term options and they’re a great a defence against pests

Tip 3:

You might be collecting firewood for those cold winter days and nights. Take note of where you are storing this wood. Be sure not to keep this wood close to the entrance of your property, keep 20 feet between the wood and your home. This is because certain pests like termites make their habitat in wood and can enter your house if in range.

Tip 4:

Pests love moisture, they need it as much as humans do. Any sort of water sources can attract them, be sure to drain bodies of water around the house. Also, check for leaks in pipes and drains around your house, in the basement, bathrooms and attics specifically.

Tip 5:

Don’t leave any food out as this will attract pests like ants, house flies, roaches and mice. These pests can quickly accumulate around exposed food items especially if they are overripe or starting to rot.

Tip 6:

You should sweep out and clean out your garage and attics as these are the locations where spiders will like to create cobwebs and nests.

Tip 7:

Be aware of mice and rats entering openings of your house. Make sure entrances are sealed because when the temperature drops outside and there’s a scarcity of food these animals will be attracted to your house as well as food storage areas such as kitchens. Rats can enter cracks or gaps the size of a quarter of an inch so be on the lookout.

Tip 8:

Crumbs from winter foods such as bread and cookies attract pests. Be sure to sweep these away and wipe surfaces. Also, make sure to store food in airtight containers as these can attract rodents from afar.

Tip 9:

Check your house for loose mortar and damaged weather stripping, these can be opportunities for pests to enter.

Tip 10:

Don’t store boxes on the floor as rodents can scratch or bite into it to create nests for themselves. It is advised that you store them on high shelves and where they’re inaccessible to mice.

Tip 11:

Ensure all your doors have functioning sweeps and if not ensure that you repair them. Also, have screens on windows to prevent any little critters from entering

Tip 12:

You should use a screen to vent chimneys, this will prevent large animals from entering as well as smaller animals which might enter on the larger ones.

Tip 13:

Dust mites are repelled by essential oils such as eucalyptus, lavender, clove and peppermint oil. Mix the oil of your choice with water and spray on your furniture, linens, drapes, clothing, beds and carpets to deter them.

Tip 14:

Before you wear your seasonal clothes wash them as they might accumulate some bugs during the previous season. Be sure to inspect them before wearing them.

Tip 15:

If a broom alone to clean up cobwebs does not work, you can use a humidifier and set it to 40% humidity. Spiders will leave this uncomfortable environment quickly.

Tip 16:

To prevent pests from entering be sure to keep your home clean and sanitized. Be sure to take out the garbage on a regular basis if not this can create warm, moist, food-filled heavens for pests to accumulate

Tip 17:

Ensure that water flows away from your house by installing diverts, these will channel water away from your property

Tip 18:

Rodents such as mice and rats find refuge in grass, bushes and shrubs. Be sure to trim these and make sure bushes and shrubs are 3 to 6 inches away from your house to prevent pests using it as entry into your house.

Tip 19:

Store pet food in secure containers where rats cannot bite or scratch into. You can use metal containers.

Tip 20:

Gnaw marks are an indicator of rodents and rats on your property. Be sure to check for rodents and squirrels which might be trying to enter your property. The same for faeces or hearing sounds of scratching at night.

Tip 21:

Shoes are a great hideout for insects looking for a warm dark place to settle. It is common for spiders to settle in shoes. Remove shoes from the floor so that spiders have a harder time getting to them.

Tip 22:

For added good measure hire professional services to clean out your house during winter. Here is what to expect before and after the pest professional visit.

Here is a link to some summer pest control tips for your reading pleasure

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22 Winter pest control tips and tricks
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