36 Summer pest control tips and tricks

The arrival of summer comes with the arrival of new and unwanted guests in the form of pests around the house. Expect your family barbecue to be ruined by a swarm of critters such as ticks, ants and mosquitoes. Sadly they’ll arrive like clockwork, to prevent them irritating like clockwork here are some tips and tricks keep them at bay.

Tip 1:

Do not leave any standing water unattended, this is a siren call for mosquitoes. Clean out flower pots, buckets, bird feeders, and anything else that can contain water. This article explains why mosquitoes need water bodies for survival.

 Tip 2:

If you have a swimming pool be sure to make sure that it’s always clean and covered to prevent mosquitoes from gathering around it.

 Tip 3:

If you have sunken patches of grass in your garden be sure to landscape it flat to be level with the surrounding landscape. If not level mosquitoes and other pests can flock to it.

 Tip 4:

Be sure to cut high growing grass to prevent ticks from nesting in it. Also trim foliage around trees and bushes in the yard

 Tip 5:

Keep your yard clean and free from litter such as piles of sticks and leaves as this a perfect resting place for ticks.

 Tip 6:

If you have the funds to invest in a tick management program then I recommend you do so.

Tip 7:

Always keep a vigilant eye for ticks on your skin and clothing when outdoors especially near the woods. If you find ticks be sure to remove them as soon as you see them before they hide on you.

Tip 8:

Ensure entry into your home is blocked off to pests. Check, replace or repair any cracks, openings or holes in hour house. Also replace any old window stripping if necessary.

Tip 9:

A clean kitchen makes for a pest free home. Crumbs, spills and old food left out in the open is a very enticing feast for ants. Be sure to wipe down all the surfaces in the kitchen including counter tops and floors.

Tip 10:

Put food away and seal up foods that pests love to get into. This includes cereal boxes, sugar packaging, bottles of honey and syrup and anything in your pantry really.

Tip 11:

Pests love rummaging in your garbage if they can access it. Throw trash away as often as needed and be sure to seal it or keep it in a metal trash can with a secure lid.

Tip 12:

Don’t let fruit and vegetables spoil or overly ripen in your kitchen.  This becomes a fruit fly mecca. Calling them straight into your home.   

Tip 13:

Termites are attracted to any wood in your house. Be sure to store your firewood properly thus preventing termites from finding a reason to enter your house. If you have firewood store it as far as possible from entrances. A good distance is 20 feet from your house or in a house shed.

Tip 14:

The smell of rotten meat heated by the summer sun can bring pests into your property quickly.  Be sure to only throw away meat around 48 hours before it is to be collected.

Tip 15:

Spiders create spider webs and love to hide in unattended pieces of outdoor furniture. Be vigilant of the state of the furniture and be sure to maintain on a regular basis.

 Tip 16:

If you have outside furniture, toys or other objects be sure to check them and wipe them down before bringing them into the house. Insects and other pests make their way into it seeking refuge without you noticing.

 Tip 17:

If necessary bring in pest control professionals to your house to spray for ants, cockroaches, rodents and a variety of other pests. Getting professional help will increase the chances of you having a clean pest free home. This article explains what yo need to do before and after a pest control visit.

Tip 18:

If you’re going to be staying at a log cabin, or anywhere that is not your home, be sure to check for bed bugs before you settle and unpack. You should always do a bed bug inspection before sleeping and one on your luggage when you get back home. You’ll be looking for bedbugs, here is some information on bedbugs.

Tip 19:

The hot summer months can increase the attraction of pests to your basement, attics and other crawl spaces. Be sure to keep these rooms clean dry and ventilated, you can use a humidifier to do this.

Tip 20:

If you want to keep mosquitoes away from your BBQ food you can use some thyme or rosemary on the coals or on the food.

Tip 21:

If you don’t intend on using pesticides and want to ward pests away from your garden naturally, hang bird feeders near your house to attract birds which will eat insects around your house.

 Tip 22:

When ants travel they leave a trail which directs other ants to the food source they’ve found. Use vinegar to wipe up and clean the trails to avoid them coming.

Tip 23:

The answer to getting rid of spiders is to use onions to ward them off. Cut up some onions and let them soak in a bowl of water. Leave this bowl close to entrances where spiders frequently enter your house.

Tip 24:

If you want to protect your plants create a wired cloche, which is a mesh covering in the shape of a bell. The mesh can be either chicken wire of any wire lying around. You can create this in any shape and it prevents larger animals from attacking your plants

Tip 25:

If you have openings in your home close it up with copper mesh and an expanding foam sealant to prevent pests from entering.

Tip 26:

If a broom alone to clean up cobwebs does not work, you can use a humidifier and set it to 40% humidity. Spiders will leave this uncomfortable environment quickly.

Tip 27:

Some pests are deterred by the smell of coffee grounds. Sprinkle around your windows, doors or any other pest entry points to deter them.

Tip 28:

Be sure to seal off all pet food from mice especially at night. It is advised to steal the food in a container that mice cannot scratch or bite into such as metal.

Tip 29:

Aphids cannot stand the smell of banana peels. If you want to deter them from plants add some banana peels on the ground around your plants. This not only deters aphids but is a good nutrient for your soil and plants.

Tip 30:

If you have any plans touching the side of your house you should to trim them to avoid pests from using them as a bridge into your house.  Keep a 3 to 6 inch clearance from your house. Be sure to avoid soil sloping towards your house, try to get it to slope away from the house.

Tip 31:

Ants love cornmeal.  Place small amounts of cornmeal where you see ants they will take it back to the colony but they won’t be able to digest the cornmeal. They will die at the colony, this might take a few days to work.

Tip 32:

Dust mites are repelled by essential oils such as eucalyptus, lavender, clove and peppermint oil. Mix the oil of your choice with water and spray on your furniture, linens, drapes, clothing, beds and carpets to deter them.

Tip 33:

Before you wear your seasonal clothes wash them as they might accumulate some bugs during the previous season. Be sure to inspect them before wearing them.

Tip 34:

If you have a chimney use a chimney cap to prevent birds and rodents from entering your house through your chimney

Tip 35:

Avoid wearing fruity or sweet perfumes as this can attract a number of pests to you, they will think you’re food.

Tip 36:

Do not wear colours which contrast with your environment, pests can see you and attack you easier if you contrast easily.

Here are some winter pest control tips for your reading pleasure

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36 Summer pest control tips and tricks
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