Bossy Female Budgie (4 Reasons Why + What To Do)

Budgies have personalities of their own, some birds are super sweet and nice while other birds are bossier and dominating, your female budgies included.

This article is a look into why your female budgie is being bossy

Bossy female budgie:

We would usually expect bossiness to come from the male of the species but the females can be bossy and dominating too, infact, female budgies are more dominating than male budgies are.

Female budgies are more of the aggressive bossy, territorial and snappy types while the males are comparatively more laid back.

But there are different reasons why your female bird may start to suddenly become bossy

Here is what you need to know about bossy female budgies.

Relationship dominance:

Not only will the female budgie be dominant over other female budgies but the female budgie will also be more dominant in its romantic relationship with the male, this is actually quite normal

You may notice the female pushing the male if he gets too close to her, she may put the male budgie into a corner, targeting the male budgie’s feet and following him around with bossy and threatening tones and behaviors.

Dominance over territory:

If you’ve recently brought a new budgie into a female budgie’s space then you should look out for any sign of bossiness, aggression or even threatening behavior.

Budgie females are quite territorial over their spaces, and their space can mean their bird cage, so, if you bring a new bird into the cage, then the female that is already in there may become bossy and threaten the new bird

If you’ve bought two birds from the pet store one bird can still be bossier and want dominance if the two budgies that you brought when exactly friends at the pet store.


Another reason why your female budgie may be bossy and aggressive may be because you’ve introduced a young budgie into its space.

Because the older budgie has no use for the younger budgie the older budgie may soon lose its temper around the young budgie and start becoming bossy or aggressive and end up hurting or even killing the younger budgie.

The older birds will usually only interact with their mate when they reach adulthood and usually only have the flock as protection so bringing a younger budgie in will do nothing for the older bird.


Your female bird may simply be bossy and aggressive with another bird because the two birds are incompatible.

You may see the two birds sitting and eating together but this doesn’t always mean that they are compatible, it simply means that they can sit and eat together.

What to do:

If you’re keeping your budgies in the same cage then you may have to separate the aggressive female budgie from the other budgie.

Do this especially is the female budgie is constantly biting, fighting, chasing, bullying, and knocking other birds off of their perches.

Doing this ensures that the two are separated but also that the birds both still have company.

You can alternatively keep them together in a bigger cage.

The correct cage size for two budgies is 30 x18 x 18 whereas the cage size for one budgie is 18 x 18 x 18.

Even if you do get a cage that is big enough for both of them you would need to monitor the birds to make sure that the female is friendly around the other birds.

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Bossy Female Budgie (4 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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