Budgie Pooping Clear Liquid (1 Reason Why, Symptoms + What To Do)

The poop of your budgie can tell you a lot about the health of the bird. So, if the poop suddenly starts to change in appearance and starts to look odd, you’d be right to be concerned.

This article is a look into why your budgie is pooping clear liquid.

Budgie pooping clear liquid:

There are many ways to tell how healthy, or how unhealthy, your bird is, one of these ways is by looking at the bird’s poop. Clear poop usually means that there is something going on with your bird.

Here is what may be happening with your bird if it makes clear poop:


Your bird’s poop will naturally have some clear material in it.

Healthy budgie poop will look something like burnt popcorn, that is, the poop will contain a brown solid portion, which is the stool, a white portion that has a chalk-like consistency, which is the urea, and the clear urine portion which is the urine.

If it seems as though the bird is only producing the clear material then the bird likely has an ailment called polyurea.

This health issue should not be confused with a bird that has diarrhea. Diarrhea will make the bird’s feces, the solid portion of the bird’s poop, turn liquid.

Polyurea will only make the bird produce more urine and no or little solid poop thus making the bird poop look clear.

Why this happens:

Reasons why your bird may have polyurea include the bird drinking more water than is usual, eating more water-dense foods, like big helpings of wet lettuce or watermelon and even kidney disease.

Your bird can also develop polyurea if it drinks too much water during a bath or shower. Birds, budgies included, frequently ingest a lot of water when bathing.

Too much water drinking can make your bird’s post-bath poop come out clear. This may be what you are seeing.

In some cases, your bird will take in too much water because it is competitive drinking with another bird.

Budgies have an intense flock mentality and if one of the birds drinks the other may drink because the first bird drank.

Then the first bird will drink because the second bird drank and the two birds will be in a never-ending loop of drinking water causing them to drink way more than they need to.

Other causes of this illness include a hormonal imbalance, infectious disease, parasitic infections, nutritional deficiencies, liver disease, diabetes, or if the bird ingests poisons or toxins.


Other signs of a bird suffering from polyurea include a ruffled appearance, lethargy, weight loss, and anorexia.

Your sick bird will try its best to mask signs of being sick. Birds will do this to avoid predators, even in your home.

But your bird will still show some of the symptoms that it can’t hide symptoms like producing clear droppings.

What to do:

This condition can sometimes remedy itself, especially if the root cause of this illness was suddenly giving the bird too much water to drink or too many water-rich foods to eat.

If this is the case then the bird should go back to pooping its normal mainly solid poop quite soon.

Your bird’s body will adjust to this new diet and will go back to producing normal poop. The bird’s poop should firm up within the next couple of poops.

Keep an eye out on the bird to see if the bird’s symptoms are mild or severe. Mild symptoms will include the bird pooping clear liquid but no other major changes in the bird.

Severe symptoms include a ruffled appearance, weight loss, and anorexia.

However, if the bird’s poop is clear and watery and the bird is showing severe signs of illness, then this ailment will be best addressed by an avian vet.

A regular vet will do to treat the bird but taking the bird to an avian vet is preferred.

It is also recommended that you take the bird to the vet if the polyuria is persistent and if the bird gets better but the illness returns out of the blue.

Once at the vet’s offices, the vet will run a number of tests on the bird. It will also be helpful to take a sample of the droppings to the vet to help them diagnose the issue.

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Budgie Pooping Clear Liquid (1 Reason Why, Symptoms + What To Do)
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