Flying is normal for budgies, these birds learn how to fly very early on in their lives and carry on flying throughout their lives.
Unfortunately, a budgie of any age may start having flying issues, like falling when flying. This article looks into why this happens.
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Budgie falling when flying:
Budgies seem to enjoy flying, they fly when out of their cage and they will also sometimes fly while in their cage, but they don’t usually fall when flying.
Here is why your budgie may be falling when flying:
Wing clipping:
One reason why your bird may be falling when flying may be because the bird’s wings were overclipped during wing clipping.
Wing clipping is done to keep birds safe, but. if the wings are clipped too much then your bird will fall because its wings can’t support the bird when it tries to fly
What to do:
You can’t help the bird fly if its wings have been clipped, you’ll have to wait for the bird’s wings to grow back before the bird can fly normally again.
Just keep an eye on the bird while it’s out of its cage flying so it doesn’t injure itself when falling.
If your bird put on a little more weight recently, and started falling when flying, then its body may simply be too heavy for its wings.
Your bird will happily eat more food than it should if you give it more food than it needs.
As a result, your little budgie will become a big budgie as it gains weight.
Budgies don’t usually have the opportunity to eat more than they need in the wild, so, when faced with a surplus of food, they will take advantage and gorge themselves with food resulting in fatty deposits on their bodies.
The wings of birds only work properly if the bird is at the correct body weight.
So, if your bird is obese, then the bird may have issues with flying like falling when flying.
What to do:
This is not good for the bird but thankfully it can be remedied at home.
You can combat this by putting the bird on a strict diet to get it to slim down.
Give your bird the recommended amount of food and keep the treats to a minimum, or, don’t serve treats at all while the bird is losing weight.
The bird should slim down relatively quickly and should go back to flying normally again after it starts the diet.
Your bird needs to be in tip-top shape in order to fly properly.
If the bird is injured, even slightly, then this can cause the falling when flying that you’re seeing
Your bird may have a major injury, or, it may have a small hairline fracture, or, muscle strain that isn’t easy to spot.
What to do:
If your bird’s injury is minor then the bird may be able to recover on its own without you having to take it to the vet.
You’d need to keep the bird isolated and in its cage so it can’t injure itself even more if it is injured.
If you examine your budgie, and you notice that your bird has a more serious injury, then isolate the bird until you can get it to the vet.
Give the bird its own food and water while it is in isolation.
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