The nighttime, for you and your budgie, is meant to be a time for calm and peace.
If your bird is flying around its cage at night then there will be no peace in your home.
This article is a look into why your budgie is flying around the cage at night.
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Budgie flying around its cage at night:
If your budgie is flying around its cage at night then sleep will be lost which is not good for the bird.
Here are reasons why this may be happening with your bird:
Night frights:
Night frights are when your bird gets spooked and wakes up from its sleep.
Budgies are light sleepers so it won’t take much for the bird to become spooked.
Simple things like car honks, light from outside coming in, moving shadows, and your domestic pets sharing a room with your bird may cause the bird to get night frights.
Your budgie may also awaken from its sleep at night if it has a bad dream.
The bird may wake up in a panic, and will fly frantically in its cage because it is panicked.
Other signs of night frights in a bird include a bird falling off its perch, fluffing up its feathers to make itself seem bigger, and hitting its toys or perches
What to do:
If your budgie is suffering from night frights then go into your bird’s room at night and observe and assess the environment.
Look out for anything that the bird may be threatened by at night.
If your bird is spooked by light from outside coming into the room, then you can use blackout curtains in the bird’s room, or, you can cover the bird’s cage at night.
If the bird is being startled by your other domestic pets then keep the other pets in a separate room.
If your budgie is startled by noises at night then leave a dimly illuminated light in the bird’s room so it can see that it has nothing to be afraid of when spooked awake at night.
Can’t sleep:
Another reason why your bird may be flying in its cage at night may be that the bird can’t sleep because of its environment.
These birds are sensitive to noise and light, especially at night when they are meant to be sleeping.
If your bird hears loud noises at night, or if there is too much light on at night, then your budgie may not be able to sleep.
Your bird may try to fly around in its cage at night as a way of entertaining itself because it can’t sleep.
What to do:
Getting your budgie to sleep peacefully, and for long enough, at night is important.
If the bird can’t sleep through the night then it may become irritated and aggressive.
So, the disturbance that is causing your bird not to sleep needs to be found and gotten rid of.
Make sure that you keep loud noises in your bird’s room at a minimum at night and make sure that there are no bright lights, in the bird’s room at night.
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