Can pigeons eat peanuts? Do they like them?

We feed urban pigeons a variety of human food, but if you want to feed them something more healthy feed them nuts. So can pigeons eat peanuts?

Pigeons can eat peanuts. This snack is full of vitamins and minerals that will improve the bird’s health. When feeding the birds this snack feed them small peanuts like Spanish peanuts. Also, serve them fresh unsalted peanuts with no preservatives. Salted peanuts will dehydrate the bird. You can serve them peanut butter too.

Feeding pigeons fruits, grains, and nuts is a no brainer. For as long as anyone can remember pigeons have been fed nuts by us humans. As it turns out, not all nuts are equally beneficial to pigeons. Peanuts are very popular among people, and pigeons seem to like them too. But should pigeons be eating peanuts? Can pigeons eat peanuts?

It’s not that odd of a question, pigeons can eat other human foods. We’ve been feeding them all kinds of foods that are not native to their natural habitats. Today pigeons that live in urban areas will eat almost anything. But if you’re fond of pigeons as pets, have them as pals or train them for racing, then feeding them super healthy foods is something you should do.

Can pigeons eat peanuts?

We should give pigeons diets as close as possible to the natural diets that they eat in the wild. So what’s more natural than for us to feed them nuts? Pigeons eat, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and insects in the wild. Their natural diet provides nutrition good for their health and also gives them energy

Benefits of peanuts:

Peanuts aren’t just beneficial to you and me but they are also healthy for pigeons. We know that peanuts are healthy, almost every nutritionist has been telling us that for years.

These snacks contain high amounts of calories, proteins, mineral oil and water. Peanuts also give pigeons a power boost to fly longer and faster, be more hydrated, experience better weight management, improve liver functions and have healthier sustained metabolism rates.

Peanuts are power performance foods for pigeons. That being said, we must understand that there are a few things to consider before feeding these birds this snack.

Dangers of peanuts:

Peanuts can contain dangerous and harmful substances like preservatives often used in processed foods. Even harmful toxins such as Aflatoxin from moulds that grow on stale and old peanuts. This toxin can cause digestive tract infections, liver damage, cancer and even death. You can avoid this by feeding pigeons fresh unprocessed peanuts.

A few regular unsalted peanuts will be good for the bird. Use unsalted peanuts because salted peanuts will dehydrate the bird. Also know that smoked, candied, even honey-coated peanuts are a no, no for pigeons.

The digestive systems of pigeons are small and not so complex. They cannot digest and process candy or any other toxins that may have entered the peanut in the process.

We must also consider the beak size of birds before feeding them peanuts. Raw Spanish peanuts are smaller with smoother defined shapes so its an easy fit for many beaks.

Other peanuts are larger, and they have irregular shapes making them harder on pigeon beaks. Also, larger peanuts increase the chances of crop impaction happening.

How to serve pigeons nuts?

Serving up a fresh batch of peanuts to pigeons who need some persuading means that you have to get creative. Introducing young and older pigeons to peanuts is best done by hand this increases the chances of the pigeons eating them. Once they are used to eating the snack then you can use a bird feeder, bird feeders are less of a hassle and an easier way to serve pigeons.

You’ve probably realized that some peanut types are very large, this makes them inaccessible to pigeons with smaller beaks. If this is the case you can substitute the peanut for peanut butter.

Remember that peanut butter is processed and has lots of fats, so feed them in moderation. What’s great about peanut butter is its buttery state and if kept closed and safe in cold storage then there is a lower risk of it growing mould

There are a few things you can do to lower the risk of Aflatoxin. You can start by purchasing raw, fresh peanuts that aren’t shrivelled and aren’t discoloured.

Store them in cool-dry places or freezing them, if you won’t need it for long periods of time, freezing is also a good idea. Simply washing or roasting peanuts will not remove aflatoxin

You should also stay away from seasoned, smoked, and candied peanuts. These often contain or were put under processes that add different chemicals or speed the growth of Aflatoxin.

Can pigeons eat peanut butter

Yes, pigeons can eat peanut butter. Peanut butter is not too sticky and won’t make a mess in their feathers. In fact, peanut butter contains additional minerals that could improve your pigeon’s health. That being said, we must understand that not all kinds of peanut butter are the same. Some have more additives and preservatives, so you have to be cautious when choosing one.

Alternative nuts you can feed pigeons

We know that pigeons love nuts, peanuts aren’t nuts but rather legumes. Still, there is a long list of nuts they’ll enjoy and benefit from. These include sunflower seeds, acorns, almonds, beechnuts, brazil nuts, hickory nuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts and walnuts to name a few.


Yes, pigeons can eat peanuts and it turns out it’s a powerful performance food source for pigeons. It is rich in nutrients that improve their bodily functions and it makes them faster and healthier.

The dangers of poor peanut selection and storage include mould which can cause Aflatoxin. Fresh, raw peanuts are the safest choice. The Spanish peanut is the easiest for pigeons to eat regardless of their beak size. You can offer pigeons peanut butter but beware of the additives and preservatives in it.

Can pigeons eat peanuts? Do they like them?
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