
Why is my pigeon shaking?

There are some overlaps between pigeon and human behaviour. We both shiver when it’s cold outside to regulate our body temperature, we both take baths to clean ourselves and we both really enjoy the occasional French fry. Other behaviours that we share including shaking. But do birds shake for the same reasons humans shake? This […]

How do pigeons reproduce?

Pigeons are everywhere, and if you live in the city you’ll know that they are pretty much a part of the architecture. These tiny animals are as common as street vendors and yellow taxi cabs. The shear number of pigeons that live amoung us is a sign of how quickly and easily they reproduce. But […]

Where do pigeons roost and why?

If you’ve ever lived in a city then you know that pigeons are everywhere, seeing them is inevitable. They’ll loiter anywhere with food and water waiting for you to leave so they can finish off your meal. Getting rid of them is an impossible task so the best we can do is learn to live […]

Why do birds eat their eggs?

Humans eat eggs all the time, it’s a cheap, easy and accessible food for many and it offers many vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to stay healthy. But to birds, eggs represent new offspring and not a regular meal. But it seems birds do eat eggs and they do it more often than […]

Why do birds get puffy?

Birds and humans have been living amongst each other for hundreds of years, and we’ve noticed that some bird behaviours can sometimes be curious, to say the least. They have interesting mating habits, they raise their offspring differently and they fluff up their feathers and get puffy. So why do they do this? Why do […]

Why do birds like music?​​

They say that music unites us, this collection of notes, melodies and words can change your mood almost instantly. Different types of music can bring out different emotions and even memories. It is said that animals respond to music as well. So, do birds like music? This article looks into it  It has been observed […]

Why do birds follow me?​​

Pets enjoy following us, If you own a dog then you’re probably used to it following you. It happily goes up and down with you, this is its way of showing affection and admiration. If you reward your dog with treats as it follows you then it will do more if it. But what about […]

Why do birds dig holes in the dirt?​​

Birds are flight animals, their wings allow them to go anywhere and enjoy the world as few others can. Because of this, we expect birds to fly around and spend most of their time in trees or in the air. But sometimes birds can be found digging holes in the dirt. So why does this […]

Why do birds land on your head?

Birds and humans have been living amongst each other for hundreds of years. And over these years humans have had pretty bizarre interactions with birds. Some have become so comfortable with living among us that they invade our personal space by grabbing our food, attacking us, swooping very close to our ears and landing on […]

Why do birds roost?

If you’re an avid bird watcher, or simply have birds in your environment, then you’ve probably seen birds roosting. It’s not uncommon to see a group of birds huddled together perched in a tree or atop a structure in a coop or cage. Almost all types of birds do this, and they seem to instinctively […]

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