
How to take care of a pigeon egg

People find a variety of abandoned eggs from different types of birds each breeding season, and each breeding season people want to know how to take care of eggs which seem to be abandoned by their parents. Wanting to take care of bird eggs and even the chick that hatches out of the egg is […]

Can you eat pigeon eggs?

Chicken eggs aren’t the only eggs eaten by humans. There are other eggs that you can use to make your omelettes and other egg dishes. If you want to add more variety to your egg choices then you may be interested in eating pigeon eggs. But can you eat pigeon eggs? How do you cook […]

Why do pigeons kill their babies?

Generally, animals, especially pigeons, will do the best they can to ensure that their offspring survives. Animals will usually put themselves in dangerous situations in order to keep their young safe, but this isn’t always the case. Sometimes a parent will kill off its offspring and this happens with pigeons as well. If you’ve ever […]

Pigeon egg not hatching, why and what to do?

Pigeon eggs not hatching is not an uncommon occurrence, it is said that 10–15 percent of nests contain eggs that will never hatch. This is a normal occurrence in the bird kingdom. If you own pigeons and you’re concerned about why this is happening then this article will help you figure that out. A pigeon’s […]

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