Chicken Throwing Up Green Liquid (2 Reasons Why + What To Do)

Any person, or animal, who throws up is ill or something is wrong with them, so, you’d understandably be worried if you notice your chicken throwing up.

This article looks into why your chicken is throwing up green liquid

Chicken throwing up green liquid:

Any type of throw-up from your chicken will be quite worrying, but, a bird throwing up green liquid is likely even more worrying

Here is why your bird may be doing this:

Sour crop:

If your chicken is throwing up green liquid, then your bird may be suffering from a condition called sour crop.

Birds don’t throw up the same way that humans do, they don’t bring up food from their stomachs but rather bring up food from their crop, this fluid that you see as throw-up is overflow.

If your bird’s crop is slow to empty for some reason, then the food will back up in the crop and come out of the bird’s mouth.

This may look like throw-up.

The green liquid that you may be seeing may be broken down grass that the bird likely ate earlier on.

What to do:

There are a few checks that you can do to see if the bird has sour crop.

Start off by feeling your bird’s crop, the crop should be flat just before the bird eats.

If you press on the crop and it feels squishy and mushy then the bird likely has sour crop.

The breath of a bird with sour crop will smell very bad and the bird may have white patches in its mouth, or, its entire mouth may be white.

Your chicken’s breath will smell bad because the food in the bird’s crop is not moving down the digestive system but is rather fermenting causing the terrible-smelling breath.

If you’ve determined that your bird has sour crop then isolate the bird and do not give it any food or water for 24 hours.

Doing this may help the food in the crop move along.

Once this is done massage the bird’s throat, massage from top to bottom to try to get the mass to go down.

Leave the bird with no food or water for 12 hours then give the bird water after the 12 hours are up.

Impacted crop:

Another reason why your bird may be releasing green throw up is a condition called crop impaction.

Crop impaction happens when your bird’s crop is blocked because the bird ate foreign objects.

Objects like rocks, string, pieces of metal, or long grasses.

The green that the bird may be throwing up may be some digested long grasses.

What to do:

You can do some checks to see if your bird has this condition.

Feel the bird’s crop before the bird eats, the impacted crop will feel tight and hard.

A bird with this condition will not have foul-smelling breath.

Fermentation of food does not happen with crop impaction. That being said, fermentation may happen later on.

The remedy for a bird with crop impaction is similar to the remedy for a bird with sour crop.

The remedy being: keeping the bird away from food and then massaging the crop.

You may want to feed the bird vegetable oil before massaging to help break up the blockage.

If the massaging doesn’t work then you may need to take the bird to the vet for surgery.

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Chicken Throwing Up Green Liquid (2 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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