Do Pigeons Eat Meat? Advantages, Disadvantages, What To Avoid

Pigeons are known to eat almost anything, these birds are opportunistic creatures and because of this, they will eat all types of foods that may seem unsavory to humans, this includes food thrown in the trash and food thrown on the floor.

The diet that is best for pigeons is the diet that they naturally eat in the wild. But what about foods like meat? Do pigeons eat meat? This article looks into it. 

Pigeons in the wild generally do not eat meat as they are granivores, that being said, pigeons can and will likely eat meat if offered. Meat offers pigeons good amounts of protein and other nutrients. When meat is cooked, it becomes soft enough for them to tear and eat 

Do pigeons eat meat?

Yes, pigeons eat meat, however, these animals will only eat meat if there is no suitable plant matter available to eat.

A typical pigeon diet vs meat:

Pigeons are herbivores and granivores, their usual diet consists of fruits, vegetables and seeds but because they are opportunistic feeders, they will also eat snails, small lizards, insects, and worms as well. 

In urban areas, pigeons can be found eating a variety of meats discarded by humans. They do this because food options are scarce in cities.

Urban pigeons are forced to live differently than the pigeons living in the wild. These birds are not carnivores but if they come across any type of food, meat included, they will eat it, if the meat is soft enough.

Because pigeon beaks are designed to eat grains and seeds, tearing into an animal carcass can be difficult for them. Cooked meats, usually left out by humans, is much easier for them to eat.

Benefits that meat offers pigeons:

Giving your pet pigeon meat is an opportunity for them to gain high levels of protein.

If the bird is not getting enough protein from its current diet, adding meat to the bird’s meals a few times a week can be helpful. The best meats to add to your pet’s meals include poultry and fish.

What meat should you not feed pigeons?

Raw meat:

One type of meat that you should avoid feeding pigeons is raw meat. Yes, pigeons will eat anything they find edible but raw meat can cause serious health issues in pigeons.

Seasoned meat:

This meat may be a delicious choice for humans but seasonings can negatively affect your bird’s health. Seasoned meats usually contain sodium, garlic, preservatives and other spices that can negatively affect the bird 

Fried meat:

This is another type of meat that humans enjoy that should not be served to pigeons. Fried foods are prepared in large amounts of oils, they also contain processed chemicals which have not been tested on birds and are most likely are not good for birds 

Rotten meat:

Rotten meat should not be served to your pet. The bacteria growing on rotten meat can cause them to develop food poisoning and die 

The downside of pigeons eating meat 

Protein overload:

We as humans know that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, this includes protein. Yes, protein is needed for good pigeon health but too much can result in kidney damage. 

Antibiotics in meat:

To keep illnesses at bay factory farms give their animals antibiotics. These antibiotics are regularly found in meats sold in stores. Animal antibiotics can have detrimental effects on the health of your pigeon. To avoid this issue opt for meats that do not contain any antibiotics 

Overly fatty meat:

Meat has the benefit of offering your pigeon high amounts of protein but meat also has the downside of being very fatty.

Birds benefit from eating good amounts of fats as fats can create an insulating layer on the bird during the winter, as well as act as an energy source to your bird, but too much fat can cause hepatic lipidosis which is an excess of fat stored in the animals liver 


In conclusion, yes, pigeons eat meat, generally, wild pigeons have no need to eat meat as their environment provides all the protein they need through plants, seeds and nuts, urban pigeons will eat meat out of desperation.

Feeding your pet pigeon healthier meats such as fish and chicken can help add much-needed protein to their diets. Avoid feeding your bird cured, raw, seasoned, rancid or red meat 

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Do Pigeons Eat Meat? Advantages, Disadvantages, What To Avoid
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