Do Raccoons Eat Iguanas? How Raccoons Hunt And Kill Them

Raccoons are versatile animals, they thrive in a variety of environments because they are able to eat a variety of different foods. Being opportunistic feeders is helpful to these animals as this allows them to eat almost anything and everything.

So how about iguanas? Do raccoons eat iguanas? This article looks into it 

Raccoons do eat iguanas, iguanas are a great source of protein for raccoons. Iguanas may be a good meal for raccoons but iguanas will put up a fight when attacked, they will use their tail to defend themselves. However, because of its larger size, strong claws, and sharp teeth, the raccoon will likely win 

Do raccoons eat iguanas?

Raccoons eat a variety of meats, they can eat birds, mammals, fish, and anything they can get their hands on. Their diets are affected by the environments they live in.

If a raccoon finds itself in a suburban area, it will rummage through your trash cans, wander into your garden and make its way into your home in search of food.

If they come across an iguana they will eat it 

Health benefits of raccoons eating iguanas:

Taking an iguana as a meal is beneficial to raccoons as the reptile is both high in protein and low in fat.

Protein is an essential nutrient needed by raccoons as it helps them maintain a balanced and healthy diet. Meats contain complete proteins, most plants only offer incomplete proteins.

How raccoons manage to prey on iguanas:

Catching and eating iguanas is not an easy feat for raccoons, iguanas will fight for their lives when attacked by a raccoon.

Raccoons will use their strong, sharp claws and teeth to kill the iguana. Iguanas will try to defend themselves using their mouth full of teeth and their scaled tail.

These tails strike a powerful blow and have broken bones when used in full force, it is also sharp, making it a dangerous weapon 

In an effort to seem bigger and more intimidating, the reptile will inflate the dewlap (the skin flap under its head) this can sometimes scare animals away but does not usually work on raccoons which are much larger than iguanas. 

The reptile may put up a good fight but the raccoon is much larger than it and will overpower it. Raccoons will chase after iguanas and grab them with their long, strong, and sharp claws.

The two animals will wrestle, the raccoon biting the iguana while the iguana tries to escape. The raccoon will subdue the reptile by biting its neck until the reptile dies. Once this tussle is over the raccoon will eat the iguana 

Younger iguanas are especially vulnerable to being preyed upon by raccoons because they are weaker and smaller than older iguanas.

Raccoons will hunt and kill iguanas but they prefer to eat plants and smaller animals that are easier to catch. However, they will hunt and kill an iguana if the time is right.

Do raccoons eat lizards? 

Raccoons do eat lizards, iguanas are a type of lizard. Whether big or small, raccoons will eat lizards and other types of reptiles.

Because lizards are smaller than raccoons the chances of them winning in a fight against a raccoon is quite slim but it can happen occasionally 

What animals eat iguanas? 

Iguanas are prey to a variety of animals. The wild is a kill or be killed environment and many animals see iguanas as relatively easy prey to catch and eat.

Predators that kill and eat these cold-blooded animals include: 

  • Owls
  • Hawks
  • Egrets 
  • Snakes 
  • Crocodiles 
  • Alligators 
  • Herons 
  • Cats
  • Feral cats 
  • Eagles 
  • Humans 

It is said that, to humans, iguanas have a deliciously rich and cheesy flavor. Raccoons are raised as food in central South America, the Caribbean, and Puerto Rico. Humans have even dubbed them as the “chickens of the trees”. 

In the wild, iguanas have to deal with more than just predator attacks, these animals have to worry about extreme weather and disease.

Iguanas can be killed by diseases and these animals have no way of defending themselves against them apart from eating well


In conclusion, yes raccoons do eat iguanas. Because the iguana is smaller than the raccoon it is seen as relatively easy prey

Then again, iguanas have powerful, thick, and sharp tails which are helpful in defending against predators.

Other iguana predators include owls, hawks, egrets, snakes, crocodiles, alligators, herons, feral cats, eagles, and humans

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Do Raccoons Eat Iguanas? How Raccoons Hunt And Kill Them
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