What Time Do Raccoons Eat? (Reasons Why They Eat At This Time)

Whether you’re raising a raccoon or looking to feed some backyard raccoons, knowing what their feeding habits are is important. Not all animals act like dogs and cats who wake and sleep when humans do.

If you’re not seeing raccoons out and about while you’re up, you may start to wonder when they come out, and what time do raccoons eat. This article looks into it 

Raccoons, whether in the wild or in urban areas, prefer to eat at night. The night offers some protection from predators as a raccoon’s dark fur is more difficult to see at night. This allows them to forage and eat without having to look over their shoulders too often 

What time do raccoons eat?

Raccoons eat at night

These animals are nocturnal animals, this means that they sleep at night and are out and about during the day.

This sleep cycle keeps them from being seen and attacked by predators during the day. A raccoon’s dark fur, and masked face, are more difficult to see at night. 

Raccoons have the ability to see at night, their night vision is excellent, they also have a very advanced sense of touch and they are great at hearing too.

All these attributes allow these animals to forage for food and eat at night. 

Raccoons will wake up at dusk and sleep at dawn. Depending on where they live, this can be at different times.

Why raccoons eat at night:

As soon as these animals wake up, they are fidgeting and feeling around in their environment looking for food.

This fidgeting and feeling around enables them to quickly catch prey at night and find plants that they can eat 

Being out at night, with a coat of dark fur, protects them from being easy targets for predators. This protection allows raccoons to forage and eat in peace.

Keeping an eye out for predators is a full-time job, raccoons would find keeping an eye out for predators, and looking for food at the same time, quite difficult. Thus, they look for food and eat at night when they can let their guard down a little bit 

Why you’d see a rccoon out during the day:

That being said, just because they are nocturnal animals doesn’t mean they will never be out during the day.

It also doesn’t mean that the animal has rabies if it’s out during the day. If you see a raccoon out during the day it may simply be feeling hungry, hungry enough to risk being attacked by a predator. 

Mother raccoons who have to look out for, and feed baby raccoons, may also be out during the day.

This is because she has to go out and find food for her cubs and not just herself. She will also need extra food for herself because she is nursing her young, the added food helps her produce more milk for them 

Do raccoons come out during the day? 

Raccoons do not usually come out during the day as they are nocturnal animals, but they may need to because of the reasons outlined above. 

Another reason why a raccoon may be outside during the day, if the raccoon is not excessively hungry, excessively thirsty, or a mother raccoon, is that the animal does in fact have rabies 

Rabies affects the animal’s normal functioning. Healthy raccoons prefer to be out at night as light scares them away, they will only go out during the day when they really need to.

Raccoons that have rabies will go out in the light for no good reason.

Other signs of raccoons having rabies are difficulty walking, wandering, wet and matted hair on the face, self-mutilation, and discharge from the eyes and or mouth

What time do raccoons wake up at night?

These animals usually wake up a couple of hours after sunset, they have adapted over time to know when the best time to sleep is and when the best time to wake up is.

Younger raccoons, who have not learned typical raccoon behaviors, will be up and about during the day. Nevertheless, they will soon learn and adapt to the behaviors of their parents and will sleep during the day and be up at night too 


In conclusion, raccoons usually eat at night.

These animals have adapted to being out at night, the night offers these animals some protection from predators which would otherwise see them very clearly during the day. Their dark fur is more difficult to see at night. 

Raccoons that are out during the day are either very hungry, very thirsty, is a mother raccoon looking for more food for herself and her pups, or has rabies.

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What Time Do Raccoons Eat? (Reasons Why They Eat At This Time)
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