Do Raccoons Eat Pine Cones? Animals That Actually Eat Cones

Raccoons are well known for their ability to eat almost anything and everything. These animals will likely try to eat any food you give them whether it’s fresh food, like fruits and vegetables, or food from the garbage.

So how about pine cones? Do raccoons eat pine cones? This article looks into it 

Raccoons do not eat pine cones, although these animals are opportunistic feeders and omnivores, they will not eat pine cones and will rather look for other food sources to eat. Animals that do eat pine cones include woodpeckers and squirrels 

Do raccoons eat pine cones?

Raccoons are omnivores, they eat both plant and animal matter. They are also opportunistic feeders, this means that they will eat almost anything and everything.

Plants make up a large part of the raccoon diet, these animals have teeth that are able to chew plant matter just as humans and herbivores can, but they do not eat pine cones 

Only a few animals manage to eat pine cones.

Raccoons do not see pine cones as a source of food, if offered pine cones, the animal will likely sniff the cone, realize that it is not food, and leave it alone 

What animals eat pine cones? 


Squirrels are well-known pine cone eaters, these animals will happily eat away at pine cones if offered. They will eat everything but the cores and the stripped scales. Both the red and gray squirrels will eat pine cones. The scales of pine cones eaten by squirrels will have clean-cut edges after being eaten


Birds not only eat nuts and seeds, they eat pine cones as well. Birds, like the crossbill and woodpecker, will eat pine cones. When birds eat pine cones, the scales of the pine cones will be left ragged where they have been pulled out 


In conclusion, raccoons will eat almost anything and everything, they are omnivores and opportunistic feeders, however, they will likely try to find something else to eat rather than eating pine cones.

Animals that do eat pine cones include squirrels and woodpeckers 

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Do Raccoons Eat Pine Cones? Animals That Actually Eat Cones
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