Do squirrels eat bird eggs?

In the wild, animals have to take what they can get, especially foraging animals like squirrels. Squirrels aren’t picky eaters, they are opportunistic feeders and will accept almost any food especially if food sources aren’t abundant.

These animals may eat a lot of plant matter but they also get protein from other food sources.  Their curiosity also drives them to eat a variety of foods. With this knowledge it’s understandable to ask “do squirrels eat bird eggs?” this article has the answer for you

Yes, squirrels do eat bird eggs. These hairy animals are generally known to be vegetarian but they also eat animals and animal products such as bird eggs we well.  A squirrel will only eat a bird egg if the eggs are alone with no mother. Bird eggs offer squirrels a lot of protein and can be an easy meal.

Do squirrels eat bird eggs?

Squirrels prefer a diet of nuts, fruits, and veggies, but ever so often they like to add some animal protein to their diet. These animals are able to reach high speeds, thus, squirrels are able to poach eggs from bird nests often without being heard or seen.

 Squirrels often seize the opportunity to snatch an egg or two from unattended bird nests. These furry animals are classified as vegetarian but won’t pass up the chance to eat an unattended bird egg if the opportunity presents itself, they are opportunistic like any other rodent.

They will only eat bird eggs if the mother isn’t present. Mother birds are very protective of your young and will even try to fight off larger animals than themselves in an effort to keep them away from her babes.

Do squirrels attack baby birds?

When the nut supply is low, or they see an opportunity to diversify their daily diet, squirrels will attack baby birds. Squirrels are well known to eat nuts and vegetables, but they also like variety in their diets. Squirrels eat almost any kind of food they can find. This, of course, includes bird eggs and even unattended baby birds.

Unable to put up a good fight, weak or dead birds are easy targets to other animals like squirrels. Though it is uncommon for squirrels to eat or attack birds since they largely prefer nuts, they will adapt if their preferred nut supply is scarce. Squirrels have been known to eat baby robins and other birds too.

Do squirrels eat adult birds?

Even with their ninja skills and amazing speed, squirrels are not quick to pick a fight with other animals. They often think twice about attacking adult birds. Yet they will take advantage of a weak, maimed, dead or trapped adult bird who is unable to put up a fight.

Though they are small in body size, squirrels require a lot of food as such they will make do with just about any meal option that’s available, even if it’s a bird’s egg, baby bird or dead adult bird.

What birds are squirrels afraid of?

Squirrels will leap at the opportunity to raid a bird’s nest or devour a dead bird, yet there are some birds that as a rule of thumb they stay away from. Eagles and hawks are on that list, but owls are the number one bird that squirrels don’t mess with.

Whether it’s their odd look, striking stare, spooky hoots, or the awkward way they tilt their heads, owls generally creep the nuts out of squirrels. Squirrels tend to be afraid of owls.

Will a fake owl scare squirrels?

Yes, fake owls will scare squirrels. Realistic statuettes and models of fake owls have long been used to keep squirrels away. When propped up in various locations, even the sound of hooting owls has proved to be good deterrents and keep squirrels at bay for some time.

That being said, squirrels are smart and will risk it if they realize the fake owl statue is not responding. To counter this, occasionally move the fake owl statue to different locations over time.


In conclusion, squirrels aren’t strictly vegetarian and thus also eat bird eggs. Bird eggs offer them protein and are a quick and easy meal to find if the mother is not around.

A squirrel will also eat baby birds if necessary. These furry animals will attack baby birds but won’t attack adult birds, especially eagles and owls. Even fake owls will scare birds away.

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Do squirrels eat bird eggs?
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