Do squirrels eat meat?

Do squirrels eat meat? We’ve come to know squirrels as quirky, nut and acorn chasing hoarders who eat fruits and vegetables, these animals will raid your birdfeeder when you’re not looking. Thus, many professionals classify squirrels as being herbivores. But what about when vegetables just aren’t available? In this case, do squirrels eat meat? If that’s the question on your mind then this article will be of help to you and give you a closer look at the squirrel diet.

Squirrels do eat meat. Squirrels are classified as herbivores but will eat meat when other food sources are not available. Squirrels will eat insects and bugs but will occasionally also eat birds, rabbits, rats, and roadkill carrion if it’s available and accessible. They will even eat other squirrels who have died accidentally or of natural causes

Do squirrels eat meat?

The facts are in, and the answer is yes, squirrels do in fact eat meat. Their diets are so versatile and adaptive that a desperate squirrel will eat almost anything. These animals are opportunistic feeders and thus will eat anything available to them. They do prefer plant matter but won’t stick their noses up to some meat if food is scarce.

While they are not big on hunting other animals. They will take advantage of dining on weakened, maimed and often dead animals. Their quick feet make trapping insects a breeze. And their stealthy ninja-like movements allow them to sneak up to bird nests and weakened animals.

What kind of meat do squirrels eat?

The kinds of meat squirrels eat is really based on what they can find and whatever is accessible to them. Squirrels have been seen and documented eating many different sources of animal protein or meat.

They readily chow down on bugs, insects, and eggs. They’ll even munch away on birds, rabbits, rats, and roadkill carrion if is available and accessible. Some squirrels are so adaptive that they won’t hesitate to dine on scraps from your trash can.

Mostly they feed on insects, but they don’t limit their menu to just nuts and bugs, they are totally ready to add any roadkill that’s served fresh on the road.

What makes up the bulk of a squirrels diet?

What makes professionals classify squirrels as being predominantly herbivores is that squirrels don’t regularly eat meats. Meats appear on the menu often as a last option or as a desperation meal. The bulk of a squirrel’s diet is made up of plant protein.

This plant protein is sourced from a variety of nuts, seeds, vegetables, and fruits. Historically acorn, peanuts and tree nuts are foods most eaten by squirrels. This is the main reason why professionals lean more towards classifying them as herbivores than being omnivores even though they do eat meat.

Do squirrels eat other squirrels?

It’s hard to believe that the cute cuddly squirrel is capable of being cannibalistic. As it turns out squirrels can and do in fact eat other squirrels. In their defence, they don’t hunt each other.

Rather, squirrels will eat another squirrel that has died accidentally or of natural causes. This includes squirrels killed by a vehicle on the roadway. There are even some reported cases where stressed mama squirrels will eat their babies.

What foods are bad for squirrels?

While squirrels eat both plants and meats and will eat anything served up in the local trash cans, not everything is healthy for them to eat. Human foods especially processed foods have a negative lasting impact on the tiny and less developed digestive systems of squirrels.

Some foods that are bad for squirrels include candies, chocolates, highly processed meats for human consumption, bread, processed peanuts, cereals and junk foods like fries, nachos, and cheese.


In conclusion, yes squirrels do eat meat. Their small size doesn’t allow them to eat lager animals but they are very equipped to eat insects, eggs and bugs, they will even eat birds, rabbits, rats, and roadkill carrion if it’s available and accessible.

Generally, the squirrel’s main diet will consist of nuts, seeds and vegetables. These animals will only eat meat when necessary. A squirrel will also eat anther squirrel that has died of natural causes.

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Do squirrels eat meat?
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