How to get chickens back in the coop

After a long day of running around, chickens need to get back into the cop for their own protection, unfortunately, they may not want to. This article answers the question “How to get chickens back in the coop”

You can get chickens back in the coop by getting them used to a specific feeding sound. Get the chickens used to hearing a specific sound and associating it with eating in the coop. In future when you make this sound the chickens will come running to the coop.

Everyone needs a place they can call home, a place where they can rest their weary legs. For chickens that’s the coop. Getting chickens to feel at home from the start requires some knowledge and preplanning on your part. The good news is this article is filled with all you need to know to make your chicken come back to the coop every time

How to get chickens back in the coop?

Before we try to get chickens in and out of the coop we first need to make it homely for them. Chickens don’t need much to feel at home, but they do need time to open up and get comfortable in a new home.

If you already have existing chickens and want to know how to get them back in the coop then do what poultry farmer do: Farmers get chickens to associate a particular call with special food treats in their coop.

When chickens hear that particular chicken call, they come running from wherever they’re perched, into the coop to get the treat. Poultry farmers, also make sure chickens are acquainted with the coop by keeping them in it for at least 7 days at first, just to make sure they know where home is.

The special chicken call could be anything, but it needs to be clear and specific. Some people whistle, some coo others choose to get a bird whistle or call device to be on the safer side. You need to feed them in or near the coop and make the sound each time you feed them.

Soon enough the chickens will associate the call with feeding and coming running up to you. Try feeding them special treats so it’s a special delight that entices them to come.

Will chickens go back to the coop at night?

Yes, chickens that are comfortable will always return to roost, especially at night. The secret to getting them to do this is to make sure the coop is comfy and free of predators.

Make sure that they are familiar with the coop and have spent the required time inside, so they know it’s their special resting place. You do this by leaving them in the coop for 7 days to get them used to the environment. Do this right and they’ll be heading home to the coop every night without you having to make them.

Can chickens stay in the coop all day?

Yes, chickens can stay in the coop all day even when they’re not sitting on eggs. If they have the right supply of food, water and feel comfortable then they may decide to stay in the coop for a day or two. To be on the safe side, if they stay in the coop for more than 2 days check to see if they are well.

Should you close a chicken coop door at night?

Yes, you should close the chicken coop at night, close the coop to keep predators out. Keeping predators out while we sleep is why we close our doors and windows at night. Protect the chickens by doing the same.

Do you put food and water in a chicken coop at night?

Yes, you can put food and water in the chicken coop at night. Everyone needs a nighttime snack including chickens. Of course, you don’t want food left out to be a lure for predators but some chickens, like broiler hens, have avid appetites, they need food at various times.

Most chickens, however, don’t feed at night. But it’s a safe bet to leave water and a little feed as a nightcap for hungry chickens.

What time do chickens go to bed?

Chickens are early sleepers. They begin to sleep when it becomes dark or just before sunset. You can expect them back in the coop and fast asleep in preparation for another day around 5 pm to 7 pm.

You’ll be amazed just how committed they are to their sleeping pattern. Roosters make it they duty to set in early, so they can wake you out of bed real early.


Getting chickens back in the coop requires a few things. The coop needs to be comfy, well provisioned and the chickens need some time inside to get comfortable with it.

Using a special chicken call to signal feeding inside the coop will help get them back in the coop on cue. Happy, comfortable chickens will always return to coop like clockwork every evening as the sun sets in.

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How to get chickens back in the coop
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