Why Do Chickens Eat Rocks? Grit, Gravel and Oyster Shell

You’ve probably noticed your chickens eating rocks and you’re probably wondering what makes them do that.

From a humans perspective, it’s unhealthy and it makes no sense for them to pick up rocks and swallow, but, by the time you get to the end of this article, you will realize that the reason why they do it is amazing.

Rocks have no nutritional value, they aren’t tasty and honestly chickens eating them is pretty weird. So, why do chickens eat rocks?

Chickens eat rocks because rocks help them grind food inside their gizzards. A chicken will swallow food and the food will pass through their crop, their stomach, get digested by their stomach juices then enter the gizzard where it will be ground so the body can use it.

Why do chickens eat rocks?

Chickens eat rocks to help them ‘chew’ up the food they eat. Chickens have a small compartment in their belly called the gizzard. That is where all the rocks they eat are used to ‘chew’ the food as they eat.

Chickens mostly feed on grains and pellets, but since they don’t have any teeth, they pick these grains with their beaks and it goes to a compartment in their belly called the crop.

Then it passes through the stomach where digestive enzymes are secreted on the food.

The food then goes into the gizzard where the rocks are ready to give the grains and pellets a heavy grinding. This breaks the food down into tiny, digestible particles that the body can then use.

Just think of it as a reverse process of our own digestive system. We chew our food before it is digested, they digest the food before it is chewed.

Should I feed my chickens grit?

Eating rocks are good for chickens. You can also provide them with grit if they aren’t free-range or have access to sandy areas. This is good to ensure that they get enough rocks to help their body digest food.

Without grit, their food will rot in their stomach, this is not good for your chicken or you. You should see to it that they get enough grit at all times.

In places where they forage for food, and you are sure there’s enough sand or stones, they will eat rocks on their own based on their natural instinct.

But if they only move around in their run, you should definitely mix some grit in with their food. Or, you can keep it for them in a separate feeder, it doesn’t go bad, so, you don’t have to worry about when they get to it.

What grit size should I give chickens?

Grit generally comes in two sizes; the size suitable for the younger chickens and the other size for the mature ones. Chickens 8 weeks and below only need the smaller size. When they grow bigger, you can then switch to the regular size.

You can buy a bag of granite grit and you’ll be good for a long time. Only serve them grit mixed with their food once in a while. When your chickens feel they have enough grit, they will stop picking it.

Can you keep chickens on gravel?

Gravel is too large to be used as grit for chickens. It should not be used as a substitute for granite grit or small rocks. Like You only need a bag of granite grit to serve your chickens for a long time.

Is oyster shell good for chickens?

Oyster shell is good for chickens, but not as good as grit. Many people make the mistake of thinking Oyster shell functions the same as grit. However, Oyster shell is not a substitute for grit.

Oyster shell is just a source of calcium for the chickens, it shouldn’t replace grit in their diet.

Chickens need oyster shells for the calcium it provides. The calcium helps them build strong bones. It is also great for your layers, as they need it to produce strong eggshells.

Just don’t feed your chickens only oyster shells and think it will help them grind their food. If you feed them oyster shells, they will still need rocks or grit.

When do chicks start eating rocks

Newly-hatched chicks don’t need rocks in their food, at least not until they start scratching. You should only mix tiny sand particles in their food when you take them off starter feed.

In places where chickens have a wide span of space to forage, you should give them grit only to ensure they have enough and nothing more.

Your chickens know what measure is right for them so, they will take care of how much grit they eat by themselves.

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Why Do Chickens Eat Rocks? Grit, Gravel and Oyster Shell
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