How to protect a birds nest from rain

No one likes do be rained on, and that includes birds. Unfortunately, these little animals can’t pick their nests up and fly to a drier location. If you have birds in your backyard you may be concerned about your feathered friends and want to help them out when it raisins. If you want more insight into how to protect birds’ nests from the rain read on.

The best way to protect a bird’s nest from the rain is to do nothing at all. When birds build nests they almost expect to be rained on and if you move the nest or use something to cover the nest then the birds may feel threatened and may evacuate the nest

How to protect birds nest from rain?

If you think yourself lucky to have birds nesting on your property, you might feel the need to protect their nests from rain. But is that a good idea?

When birds want to build their nests, they look for the safest area. Birds get accustomed to the environment where they build their nests. If a human who cares about birds places something just over the bird’s nest for protection from rain, the bird starts to see the environment differently and might think it’s no longer safe. In such a situation, the adult bird is likely to abandon the nest even if it has chicks or eggs.

According to experts, the only time when it’s ok to protect a bird’s nest from rain is when there is nothing in the nest. So, before you build something over that bird’s nest, first check to see if there are eggs or chicks in it. If there are, stay away from the nest. Bird nests have been rained on for centres and birds are perfectly alright with it.

What happens to birds nests when it rains?

For millions of years, birds have thrived in both sunny and rainy weather conditions. So there’s no point fretting over what would happen to your favourite bird’s nest when it rains.

It might not look like it, but most birds have excellent engineering skills and only build their nests in positions that shield them from the rain and the wind to some extent. However, some birds just don’t care and will choose to build their nests in open spaces. But even then, you mustn’t interfere with their nest, especially if there are eggs or chicks in it.

Where do birds hide during a storm?

During heavy rains and storms, these creatures find dense bushes and trees to hide. The reason for choosing these areas is that they offer them protection from the strong winds. Birds living close to humans might also choose to hide behind a shed or fence line until the storm calms down.

How do birds protect their babies from rain?

During the rain, adult birds protect their babies by covering them with their feathers. Bird’s feathers contain an oil and a waxy substance that help prevent the creatures from getting soaked. So, when a parent bird hides its chicks underneath those fluffy feathers, they are well-protected from the rain.

Do birds know when it is going to rain?

The answer is yes, birds know when it is going to rain. Some bird species have what scientists refer to as a vitali organ – a middle ear receptor. This remarkable organ allows them to perceive subtle changes in atmospheric pressure.

Before a rainfall, the pressure drops faster. If birds are flying high as this happens, they feel great discomfort in their ears, so they fly lower instead. In other words, if you’ve noticed birds flying close to the ground, it could mean that rain is coming.


In conclusion, the best thing you can do for birds, when it rains, is to leave the nest alone, covering the nest in hopes of keeping ran out will make them feel threatened and cause them to flee the scene.

Birds build nests strong enough to not fall apart when it rains and in locations where rain won’t soak the nest. To keep safe from strong winds, birds will hide behind bushes and trees and they protect their babies by covering them with their feathers. They know to take cover because they know when it is going to rain.

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How to protect a birds nest from rain
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