Quail Throat Movement (2 Reasons Why + What To Do)

Quails are known to be quite hearty birds, not much phases them and not many illnesses affect them, so if your quail bird starts acting out of the ordinary you know that something is going on with your bird. This article looks into why your quail’s throat may be moving. Quail throat movement: Any movement […]

Quail Acting Drunk (2 Reasons Why + What To Do)

Whether you’re new to raising quail, or whether you’re used to raising these birds, your quail may express some strange behavior that you aren’t yet used to, like acting drunk. This article looks into why your quail is acting drunk. Quail acting drunk: Quails may be small little birds but the birds are quite hardy […]

Do Quail Spit? (A Quick Guide + A Warning)

Keeping quail is not too different from keeping any other type of animal on your property, they need to be fed and housed, they need to be protected from predators, and, they need to be kept healthy. If your quail is spitting you may think that the bird is sick, this article looks into if […]

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