Budgies need to be let out of their cages and be allowed to fly, but what about letting an untamed budgie fly? Is this a good idea?
This article looks into whether you should let your untamed budgie out to fly.
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Should I let my untamed budgie out?
Some prefer tamed budgies because these birds are not afraid of humans.
However, you may be raising an untamed budgie who is afraid of humans
Making the choice to take these untamed birds out of the cage can be a difficult one.
Here is what you need to know:
Should you or shouldn’t you:
Budgies whether they are untamed or tamed, need to be let out of their cages regularly.
Allowing the bird out of its cage gives it the opportunity to use its wings and fly.
Being trapped in the cage can either make the bird depressed, or, it can cause the bird to never want to leave the cage.
You can let an untamed bird out of its cage sometimes, but, it is recommended that you tame your budgie before allowing it to come out of the cage.
Or at least tame the bird before regularly letting the bird out of the cage.
A bird that is not tamed will fly around hysterically, make loud noises, and will generally act like a budgie who is scared of humans.
If you do let the bird out, what you’d need to do is figure out how to get the bird back in its cage.
How to get it back into its cage:
Getting your budgie back into its cage can be difficult enough if the bird is tamed.
If the bird isn’t tamed, then getting it back into its cage will be harder.
You don’t want to scare your budgie and make it even more afraid of humans when getting it back in its cage.
To avoid scaring the bird, it is recommended that you leave a treat in the cage so the bird goes back by its own free will.
If the bird isn’t returning to its cage then you can dim the lights in the room and leave a light in the bird’s cage.
The dimming of the light will make the bird think that it is nighttime (bedtime) and this will prompt the bird to head into its cage.
Your budgie may try to fly out of the cage, if it sees you coming to close the cage.
For this reason, you’d need to find a way to close the cage while being far away.
You can do this by attaching a piece of string to the cage and closing the door using the string when the bird is in.
Safety precautions:
If you’re planning on letting any budgie, whether tamed or untamed, out of its cage, then you’d need to birdproof the room that your bird will be in.
Birdproof the room by closing all windows, doors, and any other openings in the room.
Keep cleaning agents closed and packed away, cover mirrors so the bird doesn’t fly into them, and, lock away any sharp objects in the room.
Also, make sure that your cats and dogs aren’t in the same room as your budgie.
This is because your domestic pets may try to attack your budgie.
Keep a close eye on your bird, while it is flying, making sure that it doesn’t get hurt while flying around the room.
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