What Do Pigeons Like To Eat? (+Do They Like People Food?)

If you’re looking to feed pigeons you may be curious as to what they like to eat. So what do pigeons like to eat?

Pigeons are actually herbivores and not omnivores. They like to eat seeds, corn, wheat, cereals, millet, berries, greens, and fruits. If needed they will also eat insects, snails and worms. When it comes to human food they like to eat bread crumbs, popcorn, oats, cooked fish, meats, eggs, cheese and other dairy products

The foods that pigeons eat gives them the energy and nutrients they need to stay alive and healthy. If you have a pigeon in your care, it is important to know what food the bird likes and which is healthy and do well to feed it more of it.

The only exception being when a particular food contains substances that may be harmful to the birds. But then, how will you know what tasty foods are poisonous to these creatures?

In this article, we will be shedding light on the foods that pigeons like to eat, and what constitutes a healthy diet for these birds.

What do pigeons like to eat?

Pigeons are herbivores, but they won’t mind snacking on insects, worms, and snails occasionally. As a result of a pigeon’s willingness and ability to eat other creatures, a lot of people think pigeons are actually omnivores.

A pigeon’s diet consists mainly of seeds, corn, wheat, cereals, millet, berries, greens, and fruits. If pigeons were to have a favourite food, it would be grains and seeds.

During the breeding season, pigeons in the wild are driven to feed on insects, snails and worms, these offer the pigeon lots of protein and fat needed to make babies.

As a pet pigeon owner, it is your duty to provide your feathered friend with all the nutrition it needs to stay healthy.

One way to go about this would be to feed your pet pigeon a mixture of seeds, grains, vegetables, and fruits in the right amount. A pigeon’s diet should be as diverse as possible

You could also include earthworms in your pet pigeon’s diet every once in a while, these are a good source of protein for the birds.

How does a pigeon eat?

Pigeons, like every other bird, do not have teeth to chew food, so they swallow their food whole.

When a pigeon eats something, it doesn’t send the meal down to its stomach immediately. The food first gets stored at the base of their throat (crop) before it passes into their digestive system.

You may have noticed pigeons swallowing small stones or small pebbles and wonder why this happens.

In the absence of teeth pigeons still need to grind the food they eat, and the only way to go about it would be to swallow stones or pebbles, the stones or pebbles grinds the food that they eat.

Wild pigeons can easily find stones and pebbles in the wild, but domestic pigeons depend on their owners to supply them grits after every meal. These birds should also be provided with water as it aids with digestion.

How does a pigeon drink?

Birds drink by filling their beaks with water and tilting their head backwards to push the water down their throats. But the process of drinking water is different for pigeons.

When a pigeon drinks, it dips its beak into water and sucks the liquid into its throat while its head is still down. This is a remarkable ability possessed by only a few birds including pigeons and doves.

Do pigeons like people food?

Pigeons have lived amongst humans for thousands of years. So it’s not strange that these birds are used to eating human food and yes they like it too.

Pigeons enjoy eating the following people food: bread crumbs, popcorn, oats, cooked fish, meats, eggs, cheese and other dairy products.

It’s totally okay to feed your pet pigeon the healthy and nutritious food you eat, the bird may never have tasted the food before, but rest assured it is going to like it.

The only rule to observe when feeding these birds human food is that it should be done in moderation.

What foods are poisonous to pigeons?

Eating human food can be beneficial to pigeons, however, not every food is healthy for these birds. If you own a pet pigeon, you should never feed them the following:

Avocados: Avocado contains a chemical called persin, this is extremely toxic to pigeons and birds in general. The persin in this fruit causes fluid to accumulate in the liver, lungs, and heart of the bird. It sometimes leads to kidney failure in birds as well.

Salted food: While the human kidney can take salt to an extent, ingesting salted food can be toxic to pigeons. To avoid any issue that may arise from eating salty foods, it is better not to feed the birds any food containing salt.

Chocolate: Pigeons love chocolate, but this snack is bad for them. Chocolate contains theobromine, a chemical that can lead to vomiting, diarrhoea, hyperactivity, seizures, and even death in these birds.

Apples: The seeds of apples are toxic to pigeons as they contain cyanide. While the flesh of the fruit is fine for the birds, there is always a risk that the skin may have been exposed to pesticides. So, it would be in the best interest of your pet pigeon to avoid apples.

Can pigeons eat rice?

Yes, pigeons can eat rice. There is a myth that feeding pigeons rice can cause the bird’s stomach to swell and eventually explode, killing the bird. However, studies have shown that there is no truth to this belief.

If you own a pet pigeon, you can include uncooked or cooked rice in its diet. The food is completely safe and healthy for the birds. And yes, they love it.


Wild and domesticated pigeons eat a lot of foods. That being said, as a pet pigeon owner, you shouldn’t just feed these birds what they like. It is more important to feed them what’s safe and healthy.

The best foods to give pigeons are grains, seeds, vegetables, berries, and fruits. Pigeons love these foods, and the best of all, they are safe and healthy for them.

You could also include a few human foods in their diet. Just remember to offer them this food in moderation.

If you’re interested in pigeons you may also be interested in these articles: What do pigeons eat in the wild? When do pigeons leave the nest? Where do pigeons go to die? Where do pigeons go in the winter? Click the links to read more

What Do Pigeons Like To Eat? (+Do They Like People Food?)
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