Why Are My Female Budgies Fighting? (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)

Budgies are cute little birds who seem like the type that wouldn’t hurt a fly, but in fact, these birds can get aggressive and can fight each other.

This article is a look into why your female budgies may be fighting

Why are my female budgies fighting?

Animals in the wild fight for a variety of reasons, territory, mates and to protect their young. Fighting is a skill and instinct that animals in domestic settings will still have.

Many do not know this but female budgies are actually the birds that are more territorial and snappy than when compared to the male of the species.

Because of this, it is more common for female budgies to fight against each other than male birds.

Female budgies will also be less likely to engage in same-sex bonding behavior and feeding behavior when compared to male budgies.

Here are reasons why your female budgies may be fighting:

Fighting over nest boxes:

One of the reasons why your two female budgies may be fighting with each other is because they are fighting over nest boxes.

Animals of all kinds are quite territorial, this includes small birds like budgies and nest boxes are one of the things that your bird may become territorial over.

Each of the budgies in your care will want to have the best nest box that they can get, and the birds will fight over these.

The best nest boxes will be high for surveillance purposes and will be a good size so they are comfortable to be in.

The budgie that fights and wins over the others will get to keep the best nest box but until the winner is established this fighting may be quite difficult to watch

What to do:

If this is what is going on with your bird then you may need to add more nest boxes for the birds to choose from.

If you do decide to do this then you would need to make sure that all the nest boxes are of the same size and have the same sized holes to ensure that the birds feel like they are getting a good one.

Also, make sure that the nest boxes are all at the same height so the birds don’t prefer one nest box over the other.

Sharing a cage:

Another reason why your female budgies will fight against each other is that the birds are fighting over the cage.

These birds identify the cage as their own territory, if you put two budgies in the cage with not enough space for the both of them then the stronger bird will fight to have the cage to itself.

What to do:

If you can tell this is what is going on with your birds then you have the option of getting an appropriately sized cage or keeping the birds in separate cages.

If you’re looking to get a cage that is large enough for both of the birds then know that the minimum size for one bird is 18″ x 18″ x 18″ and the minimum size cage needed for two budgies is 30″ x 18″ x 18″

Also, make sure that the cage is horizontal as this is what the birds need in order to fly.

You can alternately choose to give both birds their own cages if you have the space to do this, this will ensure that the birds really feel as though they have their own space and territory.


Your female budgies may simply be fighting with each other because they are bored. Birds who don’t have much to do and don’t have anywhere to go will usually do this.

What to do:

Find ways to enrich your bird’s life by giving the bird a variety of activities and by letting the bird out to explore the world if the bird is usually caged.

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Why Are My Female Budgies Fighting? (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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