Why are raccoons different colours?

Raccoons come in a variety of different colours, but why is that? Why are raccoons different colours?

Raccoons come in different colours because the genes for fur colour is passed down from generation to generation. Raccoons that have darker coloured fur are more common because they blend in with the night environment and thus avoid predators easily. These light raccoons are easier to see and thus easier to catch by predators.

Raccoons have been living among humans for centuries and the more humans take over raccoon habitats the more they become pushed into urban environments.

These animals can be found in a number of states and have become a well-known household pest. If you’ve been paying attention to these animals you may have noticed that raccoons have different coloured fur, so why is this? 

Whether you are raccoon lover, raccoon hater, or just curious, this article will help you understand

Why are raccoons different colours?

Raccoons are different colours because certain colours benefited the raccoons by helping it with survival.

In Europe, raccoons have cool coloured fur. The various fur colours include dark grey and almost black. Raccoons with these fur colours are common in England and Germany. These raccoons also have characteristic marks and are ring-tailed. 

In America, raccoons in the north can be an Iron grey colour to a blackish colour, these raccoons also have some brown overtones. On the other hand, raccoons from the south have more of a silver colour to their fur. The racoons of the North can also have a more blonde or brown coat of fur

Raccoons are nocturnal animals, they forage during the night in the dark so their dark fur helps to camouflage them. The white fur, “the mask”, on their faces help them recognise each other and differentiate themselves from other animals.

In addition, these white masks help to deflect glare which helps with their night vision. These animals need this because their eyesight is quite bad. All of this is helpful when trying to find food and keep out of the way of predators. 

Are blond raccoons rare?

Yes, blonde raccoons are rare, rare raccoons also have yellow, cinnamon or white fur. White raccoons do not have the typical face mask that other raccoons have.

These rare raccoons are not as abundant in the wild because they are easy to spot by predators. A white, yellow, cinnamon or albino racoon in the wild, whether day or night, will stick out like a sore thumb compared to the brown or black ones which blend in with the darkness of night. Because, of this, the rarer raccoons usually don’t last long and their traits do not often get passed down to the next generation.

You’ll find these raccoons being bred by breeders more commonly than you’d find them in the wild. They have a higher chance of surviving in captivity.

Are albino raccoons rare? 

Albino raccoons are very rare and just as with the yellow and cinnamon raccoons, they’re very rare because they are easier to spot by predators. They are spotted easier than brown or black raccoons are 

Just as with the cinnamon and yellow raccoons, these albino animals are easy to spot in the wild during the day or night. This is helpful when raccoons are looking for each other but not helpful when keeping away from predators. Unfortunately, these rare raccoons are the first to be spotted and eaten by predators.

What is the most common raccoon colour? 

The most common raccoon colour in North America is grey. These animals blend in easily with the darkness of the wild at night and because of this, they live long enough to produce offspring. This offspring thus grows the population. These raccoons can have brown or black-ish overtones as well and in the south, they are more silver



In summary, raccoons are different colours simply because the genes for fur colour was passed down from generation to generation. Some raccoons have grey fur, black fur and brown fur. Rare raccoons have yellow fur, white or cinnamon brown fur.

Raccoons that have darker coloured fur are more common because they blend in with the night environment and thus avoid predators easier than their lighter coloured counterparts. These light raccoons are easier to see and thus easier to catch by predators. The benefit of darker fur on raccoons is that predators have a harder time seeing them so they can forage in peace and can create offspring to continue the population

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Why are raccoons different colours?
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