Flying is quite normal and natural to budgies.
These birds will soar almost any chance they get, so, why would your budgie fly into a wall?
This article looks into why your budgie flies into walls.
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Why does my budgie fly into walls?
Any odd behavior that your budgie starts exhibiting will understandably worry any budgie owner.
Your budgie flying into walls is definitely odd behavior.
Here is why this may be happening with your little bird:
The bird is young:
One reason why your bird may be flying into a wall may be that the bird is simply very young and is still getting used to flying.
Baby birds need time to learn how to fly and sometimes that means crashing into walls.
It can also mean crashing into a variety of other things around your house
This is normal for young birds and birds who are learning how to fly.
Thankfully, because these birds are just learning how to fly, their injuries won’t be too bad because they aren’t flying into the walls at full force just yet.
What to do:
The birds will inevitably fly into walls and there isn’t anything you can do about it.
You can however keep an eye on the bird to make sure that she’s ok when she does fly into a wall.
Also, giving your bird somewhere safe to land may also be helpful as the bird may sometimes crash because it doesn’t know where to land
It isn’t looking straight:
Your budgie may sometimes fly into a wall because it can’t see the wall.
Your pet budgie will fly the same way that budgies in the wild fly.
Budgies, and other birds, don’t always look straight ahead when flying, they will turn their heads down or they will use the lateral part of their eye to see.
Because birds aren’t always looking straight ahead they may, in that moment, not see what is in front of them ie: the wall, and will knock into it.
What to do:
This isn’t an issue if your budgie does this only on occasion and doesn’t regularly fly into walls.
If your bird does regularly fly into walls then you may want to worry.
A long pause in flying:
Your bird may also be flying into walls, and other objects, because it hasn’t flown in a while.
Your bird may not fly for a while because its wings have been clipped, or, because it was limited to its cage for a while.
Flying for budgies is like riding a bike, you don’t lose the skill but you may be rusty when you get back to it.
If your bird’s wings had been clipped, and it hasn’t been flying for a while because of this, then the bird may start to bump into things, like walls, once it gets back to flying
If your bird was caged for a while, and wasn’t allowed to fly, then it may come out of the cage rusty with regards to flying and bump into walls.
What to do:
The bird will get back to flying normally soon enough but in the meantime, you can help by making sure that lighting is good so the bird can see where it is going when flying.
What will also help is removing obstructions in the area so the bird can fly freely.
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