Turtles aren’t exactly known to run around and be super active, they are calm collected animals who seem to have a contemplative nature and they are usually sitting around basking or lounging.
But if your pet doesn’t seem to be doing anything else, if the animal spends extended periods of time just sitting there, then you may think that there is something wrong with your pet.
This article looks into why your turtle just sits there
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Why does my turtle just sit there?
If your turtle was once lively, enjoyed walking around, and enjoyed moving around, and it then suddenly just sits there, then something may be going on with the animal, here is why your turtle just sits there:
It’s just hanging out:
If your pet turtle seems to just be hanging out and laying around in a specific place in its tank, say under its basking dock, then the animal may simply be doing this because this area is comfortable for it.
Your pet turtle will seldom want to leave an area that is comfortable in and this may be what you’re seeing
The reptile may also be walking around the tank when you are not around.
What to do:
This is normal behavior and isn’t something to worry about, your pet won’t be active all of the time so expect it to just chill out sometimes while in the tank.
It feels safe there:
If your pet isn’t showing signs of being ill or being in distress then the animal may simply be sitting in one spot because this is where it feels safe.
If the area that your pet is sitting in is out in the open then this is a good thing. As long as your pet isn’t hiding or anything then this signals that the animal feels comfortable just being out and sitting out.
What to do:
This is normal behavior and isn’t something to worry about, this is common and even good behavior as it means that your pet feels safe in your space..
Just keep an eye on your pet and make sure that the animal doesn’t start showing sought of distress along with just sitting there
It’s overheating:
If your pet turtle is not only just sitting there, but is also sitting there extending its legs and feet, then the animal may be doing this because it is overheating.
The temperature of your turtle’s body is largely affected by the animal’s environment and if the environment in your pet’s tank is too hot then overheating may set in.
Other signs of overheating in your pet include drooling
What to do:
Turning the temperature in your pet’s enclosure down should do the trick.
The enclosure’s ambient temperature should be kept between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, the basking area should be kept between 90 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit and the animal’s water temperature should be kept at around 72 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit
You can immediately cool the turtle down by letting it soak in a bath filled with room-temperature water. Don’t put the animal in cold water as this will shock the animal’s system.
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