Knowing why your budgie does certain things can help you figure out if there is something going wrong with the bird.
If you’re worried, and are asking yourself why your budgie is flying around your room then this article will help.
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Why is my bird flying around my room?
Birds have the benefit of not only being able to move around via walking, they also have the benefit of flight
This is why your bird may be flying around your room:
While the cage that you keep your bird in may be comfortable to live in, it may not be too comfortable to freely fly around in.
If your bird is enclosed in its cage, and isn’t allowed to fly around the room past its cage, then it likely won’t get the exercise that it needs.
Birds have evolved to fly freely in the wild, so the cage may make your bird feel slightly restricted.
For this reason, if you let your bird out of its cage from time to time, then the bird will fly as far and as much as it can in the room that it is in ie: your bedroom.
What to do:
This is normal behavior. You don’t have to worry if your bird is flying around in your room, this should be expected.
What you would need to do is birdproof the room your bird is flying in so your bird is safe.
Do this by turning off ceiling fans, candles, and stoves, closing all doors and windows, covering the mirrors, and putting away any scented oils, air fresheners, jewelry, or any small metal objects that the bird may want to chew on.
It doesn’t trust you:
Your bird, especially your newly acquired bird, will have no reason to trust you and will automatically be afraid of you.
This new bird likely sees you as a predator because you are so big and unfamiliar to it, and because of this, it will not trust you.
If your bird doesn’t trust you because you are foreign to it, then it will fly around the room to be far away from you.
What to do:
The bird will start trusting you soon enough, once it sees that you aren’t a threat to it it will start to trust you.
You can help speed this process up by hanging around the bird’s cage.
When doing this, crouch down so you are lower than the bird’s eye line. Hovering above the bird’s eye line is threatening to it.
What may also get the bird to trust you is giving your bird treats and food.
These good deeds will get your bird to view you in a positive light.
Tip: You’d need to make sure to bird-proof your room to keep the bird safe while it’s flying.
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