Your pet budgie will have its ups and downs but it should overall be doing quite well while living with you.
If you notice something that seems strange, if your budgie starts jumping around its cage, then you may start to worry.
This article looks into why your bird may do this.
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Why is my budgie jumping around the cage?
Your little budgie doesn’t do things for no reason, and your bird doesn’t jump around its cage for no reason either.
Here is why your bird may be doing this:
A bird hopping and jumping around its cage is not unusual, it is quite normal.
Your budgie can walk around its cage as a way of moving around, but hopping and jumping around the cage is more efficient.
These small birds, and other small birds, find hopping easier because they are very lightweight so hopping doesn’t exert too much effort.
The position of their knees also plays a role in this.
Smaller birds, like budgies, have knees that are close to their body, these small birds also have an upright torso.
Both of these factors make walking a bit more difficult than hopping or jumping.
Your bird would actually use more energy to walk so it prefers to hop or jump around.
In addition, jumping is normal for perching birds like budgies as they are used to jumping on trees and bushes in the wild.
Because these birds are usually found in trees or branches it wasn’t practical to walk along the branches and twigs but to rather hop from branch to branch.
What to do:
As long as your budgie isn’t showing any signs of being ill, or distressed, along with the jumping then your birds will be fine.
In fact, if you see your bird doing too much walking, like a human, then you should start to worry as this is not normal for these types of birds.
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