There are many weird and wonderful things that your turtle filter may do, some things that the filter does are by design, like filtering water, other things happen not by design, like the filter making bubbles.
This article looks into why your turtle filter is making bubbles
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Why is my turtle filter making bubbles?
Bubbles coming out of your turtle’s filter is quite a common occurrence, but this phenomenon may still worry and confuse you and make you wonder why all this happens
Here is why your turtle filter is making bubbles:
Water movement:
Water filters are meant to filter the water in your pet’s tank, if the filter causes a strong flow of water then bubbles may start to form in the water.
This phenomenon is similar to the bubbles that form at the bottom of waterfalls, but the bubbles in your tank will be less strong and aggressive.
What to do:
This isn’t something to worry about, the simplest solution to this issue is to reduce the strength of the filter’s water flow, this should reduce how many bubbles the filter makes.
If your turtles need to have this strength of water flow in your tank then you can leave the filter alone, the bubbling isn’t a sign of something going wrong in this case.
The filter is dirty:
Everything can get dirty eventually including the filter in your pet’s tank. Taking your filter apart and cleaning all its components out is necessary and it is necessary to do frequently.
If you don’t clean the filter frequently then the food, waste, and plant matter in your pet’s tank can cause a protein buildup in the tank. The protein can get trapped in your filtration system and this can cause the filter to bubble.
What to do:
Taking your filter apart and cleaning it up will help with the bubbling.
When doing the cleaning, set your filter media aside in a bowl of dirty tank water. Avoid using a new filter media and avoid cleaning the old one as doing this can crash your tank’s nitrogen cycle.
Soap in the filter:
Soap causes bubbles to form, and even if you do a lot of rinsing there is always a chance that some soap is left over in the tank after cleaning with soap.
If there is soap in the filter or the water then bubbles may form in your turtle’s tank. If you clean your filter, but you use a soap that isn’t aquarium-friendly, then your filter can create bubbles.
Even if there is a little bit of soap in the tank it’s very easy for soap to collect in the tank filter over time.
Washing your hands with soap and then sticking them in the tank water can also cause soap to build up in the tank. And when soap is exposed to running water bubbles develop.
What to do:
You still need to clean your pet’s filter and tank, just make sure you use aquarium-safe detergents when you do this. You can also use hydrogen peroxide, white vinegar, and bleach for certain cleaning purposes.
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