Any dead animal can become a hazard if left out. Wild animals, raccoons included, will begin to rot and decompose if they are not dealt with, they will also begin to release a nauseating odor if they are not thrown away.
Not only this, but the odor will attract a variety of other pests to your yard. But how would a raccoon get there in the first place? This article explores the question of why is there a dead raccoon in my yard
The reasons why raccoons are dying in your yard can be because of a number of reasons, these include predator attacks, starvation, being hit by a car, or the animal simply looking for somewhere to die peacefully after being hurt or catching a disease.
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Why is there a dead raccoon in my yard?
Dead raccoons can easily be spotted in your yard, their black fur will be a stark contrast against your green grass, but how would a dead raccoon wind up in your garden? There are a number of reasons:
Raccoons may be able to eat a wide variety of foods but if food is simply not available in the area then the animals can die of starvation. If a raccoon wonders on your property, an unfamiliar territory, and it cannot find food then it may starve to death.
Adult raccoons have higher fat reserves, this means that starving might take longer, but, baby raccoons with smaller fat reserves may die much quicker
If there are raccoons in your area then there is a likelihood that there are raccoon predators in the area as well. Raccoons can fall victim to being taken as a predator meal at any time.
If the predator does not take the raccoon away or eat the whole carcass, then the rest will be left on your property
If your yard is large enough to have a road on it then the raccoon may have been hit by a car.
Not all urban raccoons are able to navigate sharing a road with cars, these animals are active at night and a car may have hit it without knowing, this is why raccoons are common roadkill animals
When raccoons are sick, and know that they are about to die, they seek refuge away from the eyes of possible predators.
Predators can pick out weak or sick animals and will mainly attack them. Raccoons will hide underneath structures in your yard in order to have a peaceful death
Raccoons are docile animals, they avoid getting into fights. If they do get into a fight, and they get hurt, they may find their way on your property and look for somewhere peaceful to die.
What to do if you find a dead raccoon in your yard?
The first thing that you should do if you find a dead raccoon on your property, or in your home, is to proceed with caution, avoid touching the animal and keep your distance from it
Another reason you should likely not touch the animal is that it might not actually be dead. The raccoon may simply be injured and if you try to get close to it, it will likely try to bite you.
You can use a shovel or a stick to figure out if the animal is really dead
How do you dispose of a dead raccoon?
- Burying it
- Disposing of the animal in the trash
- Contacting wildlife removal services
Note: There are different regulations in different states that determine what you can do with the bodies of dead raccoons, you’d need to follow these guidelines to ensure you’re not doing something illegal
Can you get rabies from picking up a dead raccoon?
Dead raccoons should not be touched without the proper training and equipment, dead animals, raccoons included will still be able to infect you with rabies and raccoon roundworm if they had it when they were still alive
For you to get rabies from the body of a dead raccoon, the rabies virus would need to be alive while on the dead animal. The rabies also needs to get into your body.
If you have broken skin, scrapes, bites, or cuts on your skin, and fluids from the raccoon get into the opening, you can become infected with rabies. If the fluids get into your eyes or mouth, you can also become infected.
If this happens to you, you should go see a doctor to figure out if you need any post-exposure treatment. You can bring the animal along with you, this will be helpful
Not only can you get rabies from picking up a dead raccoon, but if you touch the animal’s feces you can also get a roundworm called baylisascaris procyonis. This roundworm will damage your brain, eyes, lungs, heart, and liver
Who do you call to pick up a dead raccoon?
The best people to contact when you want to get rid of a dead raccoon are wildlife removal professionals. These people have been trained to be able to safely remove the animal’s carcass without diseases being transferred to them
How much does it cost to remove a dead raccoon?
How much it costs to remove a dead raccoon depends on a number of factors namely, the method used for removal, the location of the raccoon, and the number of raccoons that need to be disposed of.
You can expect to pay on average from $300 to $550 for raccoon removal. However, some may pay as little as $175 on the lower end and can pay $1500 on the higher end
In conclusion, the reasons why you may find a dead raccoon in your yard could be that the animal died from starvation, was killed in a predator attack, was hit by a vehicle, or was simply looking for somewhere to die in peace after catching a disease or becoming hurt
If you choose to get rid of the animal yourself you can bury it, throw it in the trash, or contact wildlife removal or services.
Wildlife removal services are likely the best way to get rid of dead raccoons in your yard or on your property
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