Bubbles In Bird Poop (Should You Be Worried? + FAQ’s)

Interestingly enough you can tell how healthy a bird is by its poop. If you own a pet bird then you probably know how important it is to monitor your bird’s droppings as this can show you how the bird is doing.

When assessing your bird’s poop you need to check whether the poop is the right texture, colour and that it does not smell.

But what if you see something odd in the poop, like bubbles? Why are there bubbles in a birds poop? And what to about it

If your bird is pooping droppings with bubbles in it you don’t have to worry. Bubbles are a sign that your bird is letting off a good amount of digestive secretions.

These sections are a sort of lubricant that helps the bird pass the faeces. You only need to be worried if there are many bubbles in the poop over a long period of time as this can indicate a digestive infection

Bubbles in bird poop, should you be concerned?

When it comes to the texture of your bird’s poop expect it to vary based on the diet that your bird is eating.

Generally, normal birds poop has the consistency of toothpaste. If the bird has poop that is similar to tar then you should be worried. Bubbles in your bird’s poop are actually a good thing.

Bird poop is a good indicator of the bird’s health, particularly the digestive system.

A few bubbles in the poop is nothing to worry about as that indicates the bird is healthy and has sufficient digestive secretions to help in passing out the faecal matter.

However, many bubbles occurring frequently indicate that the bird has a digestive infection. If the bird has air pockets in it then this can mean that your bird has gas or an infection.

How to remedy your bird pooping bubbles

Take your bird to the vet for a proper diagnosis and advice on how to handle its digestive infection if it has one. The vet will also recommend a change in diet to improve the bird’s digestion. 

If your bird does not show signs of immediate distress, you can try to remove certain foods from its diet to figure out what causes the digestive infection.

Keep an eye on the bird even after the bubbles have stopped to make sure that it does not have any other health problem.

How toxic is bird poop?

As with any animal poop, bird poop contains organisms that can bring disease to human beings. Most of these organisms can only affect us when they get into the body through the respiratory or digestive systems.

To prevent poisoning, make sure that no bird droppings come into contact with your food.

Clean bird droppings thoroughly and do not simply swipe the solid matter. This will ensure that the bird droppings do not dry, break down into small particles and become the air that we breathe. 

How to clean up bird poop 

The solids of bird poop can easily be flushed with water or scooped with a plastic scoop. That being said, the murky part of bird poop needs more thorough cleaning to avoid leaving a stain, a smell, or toxic particles in the air.

Thoroughly scrub the poop-soiled surface with soapy water. If there is a stain, use bleach to remove it. After this, rinse with naturally scented water to avoid leaving a smell. 

To keep a birdcage clean, place an easy-to-clean mat on its floor to catch the bird droppings. You can use old newspapers.

Remove the dirty mat on a regular basis and clean it with soapy water. Wipe the birdcage with water mixed with vinegar. 


Why is my bird pooping out seeds?

If your bird is pooping out seeds then the animal may have an issue with its digestive tract. The bird may have an infection of the crop, a protozoan infection of the lower GI, or a grit impaction in the gizzard.

You would need to take the animal to the vet for proper diagnosis and treatment

Are bird droppings harmful to humans?

Yes, bird poop can be very harmful to humans. The poop can cause infection, especially in persons with a weakened immune system. One ailment that humans can develop because of bird poop is histoplasmosis

Is bird poop a sign of good luck?

Many communities around the world believe being pooped on by a bird brings good luck. Each region has different myths explaining the kind of good luck that will follow an instance of a bird pooping on the victim.

Some believe it is a communal blessing that will result in rain and fruitful harvests.

Others think it is personal luck on a victim that will make him find riches and treasure, and yet others believe it is a spiritual gesture or anointing to a spiritual calling.

While there are no scientific confirmations of these myths, most of them came about to turn a bad situation into something positive.

Next time a bird poops on you, why not use the time to study the bird and increase your understanding of these masters of flight.


In conclusion, if you have a look at your bird’s poop and there are bubbles in it then this usually means that the bird is secreting material that allows the bird to pass feces easier, this is a good thing.

If the bird’s poop has many bubbles or air pockets then this can mean that the bird has gas or that it has an infection. To remedy this problem you would need to take the bid to a vet.

When analyzing the bird poop be cautious as bird poop can be toxic to humans. To clean the poop use a plastic scoop and flush the area with water.

Bird poop may be seen as good luck in some communities but it is still dangerous.

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Bubbles In Bird Poop (Should You Be Worried? + FAQ’s)
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