What does purple bird poop mean? A helpful guide

Birds poop wherever they see fit, bird poop can come in a variety of different colors. Different colored bird poop doesn’t necessarily mean that the bird is sick, but sometimes it can. If you’re rasing a bird and notice that its poop is purple, you may be wondering “What does purple bird poop mean?” this article will help you figure out what causes bird poop to be purple.

Generally, purple bird poop is a sign that the bird’s diet consists of a lot of purple-colored foods like purple-colored berries, beets, and/or blackcurrants. An oversupply of anything, including these delicious and healthy foods, is not healthy.

What does purple bird poop mean?

The color of a bird’s droppings is generally determined by what species the bird is, the health of the bird, and or what the bird has been eating in excess of. A bird’s poop is usually green or brown.

You can expect your bird to poop brown if you feed it a diet of pellets, if the bird’s staple food is seed, then you can expect the bird’s poop to be dark green.

If your bird’s poop is purple in color, then this usually means that the bird has been eating an oversupply of purple-colored berries, beets, and/or blackcurrants.

If a bird only eats small amounts of purple-colored berries, beets, and/or blackcurrants then the bird’s poop will likely maintain its brown or green color. This change in color only happens if the bird eats too much of these purple-colored foods

A birds poop won’t change color if the animal only eats small amounts of food because small amounts of food will lose their color when digested.

Note: If your bird’s poop is red or black then this may be blood. If you think that your bird is pooping blood take the bird to a vet if you can

How to remove purple bird droppings?

To remove purple bird droppings, use running water to flush the poop off the object. If the poop is on a surface that can’t be moved, like a sofa, use a plastic scoop to remove it in a quick motion.

You may need to use a pressure washer to remove this poop from harder surfaces, follow this up with a soap scrub and a final rinse with water to remove everything.

Avoid letting the poop stay on the object as the poop can stain your property, this poop can easily stain wood items and cotton clothes. 


How harmful is bird poop?

Bird poop can be very harmful to both humans and propety. This poop contains bacteria that can be harmful to humans if ingested. This poop is a breeding ground for a variety of parasites that can cause diseases in humans.

The poop, when dried up, can release spores and these spores can be inhaled by humans and cause illnesses like Cryptococcus and Histoplasmosis.

If a bird poops on you, the poop may burn your eyes and other sensitive body parts. Fortunately, it is mostly harmless to the skin if left on for short periods of time and can be cleaned off with only water and soap.

Bird poop can damage cars and buildings if not removed. This is because bird poop is corrosive and acidic.

Why is bird poop different colours?

A bird’s poop color can vary depending on the types of food that the bird eats, that is, if the birds eat these foods in excess. Another reason why your bird’s poop may be different colors is because of an illness.

Parrot Fever or Chlamydiosis can cause your bird to produce lime green poop. Heavy metal poisoning can cause your bird to produce red or black poop.

It is true that a change in your bird’s poop can mean that the bird is ill, however, to avoid worrying, it would be best to keep track of and take into account what the bird eats before assuming that the bird is sick.

If the bird’s behavior changes along with its poop, then it is advised that you take the animal to a vet to be checked.

Because wild animals have evolved to show little to no signs of weakness or illness out of fear of being attacked by predators, these signs may be slight and hardly noticeable. This is why observing your bird on a daily basis is a must.

Keep an eye out for signs like respiratory distress, lethargy, a loss of appetite, and/or ruffled feathers

Is bird poop a sign of good luck?

If bird poop made people win the lottery or discover some lost treasure, many people would be very rich by now.

The idea that bird poop is a sign of good luck was created in an effort to turn a murky situation into a positive one. Many communities around the world firmly believe it is a sign of good luck, especially because bird poop comes from above.


In conclusion, a bird will poop purple poop because it has eaten an excess of purple-colored berries, beets, and/or blackcurrants.

If your bird produces poop of a different color, and this change in poop colour is accompanied by a change in behavior, then you can assume that your bird is sick. Consult with a vet if you think your bird is ill.

You can clean this poop off of objects by holding the object under running water and then following this up with a cleaning using a cloth, some soap, or some bleach depending on the surface you’re cleaning.

Bird poop is not dangerous if it touches human skin and is quickly removed. However, it can be harmful if it dries up and releases spores, inhaling these spores can cause disease in humans.

Many believe that bird poop is good luck, but no one can confirm this, each to their own.

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What does purple bird poop mean? A helpful guide
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