Orange bird poop, is it normal?

Bird poop comes in a variety of different colours, the colour of the bird’s poop is usually determined by the bird’s diet as well as weather the bird is healthy or not. Many of us are familiar with birds pooping white, brown or even green poop. This colour poop is generally a sign of good health, but what if your bird poops orange bird poop? Should you be worried? This article looks into it

Birds poop orange poop after they’ve eaten a large number of orange foods like carrots. To confirm that this is the reason for the orange coloured poop, reduce your bird’s orange food intake and see if the poop goes back to its normal colour. Your birds poop will likely be colored according to what food it eating a lot of

Orange bird poop, is it normal?

A bird’s digestive system absorbs food relatively fast, faster than humans and other mammals. So you are likely to know what kind or colour food it ate from its poop. If the food that the bird ate is a similar colour to the poop, then there is nothing to worry about. If not, find out what else the bird may have eaten.

Do some orange berries or fruits grow nearby? Is there an oversupply of orange seasonal insects that the bird is feeding on? Observe the bird’s eating habits and identify the cause of the orange poop.

If your bird is eating a lot of orange food for example carrots then this can result in the bird pooping orange. If you have no leads after a few days of observation, then consult with a vet for expert advice on how to handle the situation. 

When should I be worried about my bird’s poop?

You should be worried if your bird is not pooping, is pooping more liquid than solid, is pooping only the milky white fluid, or if it is pooping a different colour from what bird food it is eating. You should also be worried if the bird poop is too large, contains many bubbles, or has parasites in it.

Also, a bird’s poop should not have a strong smell, if you detect a strong smell from the bird’s poop, it’s a sign of trouble The bird could have a digestive infection or parasite if its poop smells bad.

While it is good to study the reasons behind bird poop being a certain colour, you need to make sure you get expert advice on the situation to keep the bird safe. 

Why do birds have different coloured poop?

Birds have different coloured poop because of the huge variety of foods they feed on. They also do not urinate as we know it. Instead, they produce a milky white liquid with their droppings. A good colour for this is whitish-brown to whitish-green. 

What colour is normal bird poop?

A better way to determine the “normal” colour of bird poop is to examine the food it eats. If the colours of the bird poop and the bird food is very different, then try to find alternatives that it can eat.

Bird poop can be anywhere from light brown to light green, because of this, a different colour once in a while is not something to worry about. A sign of danger is the bird having poop that is a bright red colour (likely blood in the droppings) or a dark red which indicates internal bleeding. 

Do birds fart?

A bird’s digestive system does not allow it to fart for two key reasons:

  • It does not have fart producing microorganisms in its stomach or lower digestive tract
  • It works fast and efficiently leaving no needed time for gas to be created

A bad smell from a bird can indicate a different problem altogether and it may not be coming from a fart. It could be that the bird needs to be cleaned or that its birdcage may need a cleaning.

Smelly bird poop is also an indication of a likely disease or indigestion caused by parasites. Consult with a vet to figure out the actual cause of the smell and act accordingly. 


In conclusion, your bird’s poop will be orange if the animal has eaten a lot of orange colored foods, an example of this can be berries, carrots or other orange coloured fruits and vegetables. Reduce the animals orange food intake and the animal should go back to pooping normally.

If you change their diet but the bird still poops orange then you need to take the animal to see a vet, normal poop colour for a bird is light green or brown. Also, if your bird’s poop is becoming irregular in any other way then you should take it to a vet.

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Orange bird poop, is it normal?
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