We know that raccoons will eat pretty much anything and everything. An animal that eats food from the trash has nothing to lose. If raccoons can eat from the trash they can eat anything.
If you own a rabbit and are concerned that a raccoon will eat it then this article is for you. So do raccoons eat rabbits? This article looks into it
Raccoons do and will eat rabbits if necessary. Raccoons are omnivores, they eat animals and plants. The chances of a raccoon catching, killing, and eating a rabbit are slim because raccoons are much slower than rabbits.
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Do raccoons eat rabbits?
Raccoons will eat anything and everything, well almost. These opportunistic feeders can get very creative, and desperate, when food is scarce. If food is scarce, raccoons will eat rabbits.
It is true that raccoons eat rabbits but this only happens occasionally, hunting rabbits is not the most efficient way for raccoons to find food.
Here is why raccoons don’t hunt rabbits on a regular basis:
Regular racccoon diet vs Rabbits:
Raccoons do eat rabbits, but rabbit isn’t a staple in the raccoon diet. Raccoons are foraging creatures, they search for food in the form of plant matter rather than hunt and kill other animals for food.
These masked bandits will rather forage than hunt, but if push comes to shove, a raccoon will attack and kill a rabbit for food.
Raccoons are omnivores, they eat both plant and animal matter, rabbit meat is one of many types of meat that a raccoon will eat if necessary.
Raccoon speed vs rabbit speed:
Catching a rabbit can be quite difficult for raccoons. Raccoons are quite slow compared to rabbits. The fastest speed a raccoon can run is about 15 mph. On the other hand, a slow rabbit will be able to reach speeds of 27 mph.
Rabbits will quickly and easily outrun raccoons. A raccoon may be able to ambush a rabbit if the rabbit isn’t paying attention, if the rabbit is sleeping, or if the raccoon invades the rabbit’s hiding place.
Rabbit babies have protection:
A raccoon looking for an easier meal may try to attack a nest of baby rabbits. The raccoon will have a fighting chance against the babies if the mother is not near.
A mother rabbit and her babies aren’t always together but the mom will always be in close proximity to her babies making sure she can see them. This allows her to get to them quickly if a predator comes close to her babies.
The mother will fight against the raccoon if the raccoon comes too close to her babies. If it comes to blows, the rabbit will kick the raccoon to distract it, the mother will then kill the distracted raccoon.
How do raccoons kill rabbits?
Raccoons can be quite vicious. They will stalk the rabbit then attack when the time is right.
If a raccoon attacks your rabbit it will use its teeth and claws to kill it. Raccoons have teeth and claws that can easily tear into your rabbit’s skin and meat.
A rabbit is much smaller than a raccoon, this puts them at a disadvantage.
The raccoons running speed may not compare to the rabbits, but the speed at which they both fight is comparable. Both these animals move quickly in a fight, but the raccoon will likely win because it has sharp claws and it is larger.
What animal eats bunnies?
A variety of animals eat bunnies; apart from humans, the anaimls that eat bunnies include coyotes, hawks, owls, dogs, cats, foxes, cats, skunks, martens, weasels, and bobcats.
Why do rabbits freeze when scared?
Rabbits freeze when they are scared because it is their way of making themselves undetectable to predators.
The tactic of staying motionless allows them to blend in with their surroundings, as movement can easily be seen by predators. The anaiml being static also allows them to asses the threat.
How to keep rabbits safe:
There are many animals that attack rabbits, not just raccoons. This is how you can protect your rabbits:
Keep your rabbits inside:
Raccoons and other nocturnal animals will go looking for food at night. Protect your rabbit by keeping them inside during these hours. Keep the rabbit occupied with toys, food, water, and ample space for them to play and have fun.
Secure the hutch:
If your rabbit lives outside, keep it safe by securing its hutch. Hutches made out of plywood or chicken wire are easy to get into, especially if the predator that is trying to get in is determined.
Raccoons are dexterous, they can open simple rabbit hutch latches. Keep rabbits safe by using a latch that requires several steps to open, this will keep raccoons out.
Add an electric fence:
Raccoons can climb very well, they will scale your regular fence with ease. To avoid them scaling the fence, install an electric fence or add an electric fence charger to your metal fence, this one is efficient.
These animals sleep in hideaways during the day (read more here), adding an electric fence will keep them out at night when they’re awake
What else do raccoons eat?
Raccoons will eat a variety of foods. They are omnivores and will eat almost anything they can find.
These animals will eat meats like ducks, chickens, chicken eggs, duck eggs, turkey eggs, snakes, dog food, mice, shrews, frogs, moles, squirrels, crayfish, snails, insects, and clams. Click the links to find out more
When it comes to fruits and vegetables raccoons will eat nuts, vegetables, and any ripe fruit.
Here is a more in-depth article on what raccoons eat.
What is the best repellent for raccoons?
Whether it’s cayenne pepper, or normal black pepper, raccoons do not like the smell of hot spices.
You can make your own DIY repellent by combining cayenne pepper with water, pepper, and water, or even using hot sauce on its own. This mixture can be applied on entry points frequented by raccoons, this will deter the animals.
Many unwanted pests do not like the smell of ammonia, raccoons included. The smell of ammonia reminds them of urine. Raccoons are generally quite clean animals and are repelled by this smell.
You can use ammonia in and around your home to deter raccoons.
In conclusion, yes, raccoons can, in theory, eat rabbits but they will only do this if there is nothing else to eat. Raccoons prefer to eat foods that are easier to find like plant matter and insects
Ways that you can keep rabbits safe include securing their hutch, keeping rabbits inside, and installing an electric fence on your property. Raccoon repellents include hot pepper and ammonia.