How To Move A Pigeon Nest (Precautions + How To)

Pigeons make nests to raise their young in, nests are very important to pigeons, but this doesn’t mean that they are all that great for humans.

Pigeon nests can carry mites, bacteria, and parasites that can make humans sick. This is how to move a pigeons nest:

How to move a pigeon nest:


You need to take precautions to keep yourself from being bitten by the mites or exposed to the bacteria on the nest.

Do this by wearing thick latex gloves, long pants, a mask, and a long sleeve top before handling the nest.

If the nest is empty:

Pigeon nests can be moved with no consequence if the nest is inactive. An inactive nest is a nest with no eggs, no baby birds, and no brooding parent pigeons in it.

A nest may seem inactive but it is recommended that you wait a few days before moving what you think is an inactive nest.

Waiting a few days before moving the nest is recommended because young pigeons may come back to the nest after leaving the nest.

Not to worry, the birds will leave the nest for good after leaving for the second time, you can freely dispose of the nest after this. 

How to do it: 

Once you’ve taken precautions to protect yourself then you can go ahead and start to remove the nest.

Lift the nest from where it is, do this gently to prevent breakage while moving. If the nest starts to break too much, then you’ll be left with a mess to clean up afterward.

Place the nest where you want to move it to. If new birds want to use the moved nest in the coming nesting season then they will. If the birds decide not to use it then you can dispose of the nest

You can dispose of the nest by placing it in a compost heap if you have one close by or on your property. You can also choose to throw it in a plastic bag and throw that bag into a sealed trashcan safe from predators. 

If there are eggs in the nest: 

Depending on where you are, moving an active pigeon’s nest may be illegal. An active pigeon nest will have eggs, hatchlings, or brooding adult birds in it.

You’d need to check with your local, regional, and national wildlife laws to make sure that moving a nest with eggs in it is legal where you are.

If doing this is illegal, then you may be faced with fines or penalties if you choose to move it.

If you don’t want to face fines or penalties, then you may have to wait until the nesting season is over and the hatchlings have left the nest, before you can move the nest.

Follow the same guidelines as the previous paragraph once the birds have left the nest 

If there are no laws against moving nests with eggs in them, then you can move the nest from your property and leave it where it suits you.


What about the mother pigeon? 

The mother pigeon will not come back to a nest that is moved.

Pigeons are afraid of humans, if a mother pigeon realizes that her nest is moved then she will not come back to it even if her eggs and her hatchlings are in there. She will abandon them.

The mother abandoning the nest spells trouble for the baby birds and the eggs in the nest. The baby birds and eggs will die without her.

If you’re worried about this then it would be best to leave the nest alone until you are sure that it is empty and not active. 

Professional help:

Contacting pest control may be the best solution for you, your local pest control professionals will know whether moving a pigeon nest in your area is legal or illegal.

These professionals will also be able to safely move the bird’s nest, if it’s legal to do so.

They will also let you know if any other locations on your property are potential nesting sites and guide you on how to prevent more pigeons from nesting on your property.


After the nest is gone: 

It is recommended that you clean the area that the nest was on after you’ve moved it.

If the nest was on a man-made surface, like a gutter, patio etc then you’d need to clean the area after removing the nest. If the nest was in a tree or a bush, then you don’t have to worry about cleaning up.

You can also keep birds from nesting on your property by using anti-bird spikes on surfaces where birds will likely nest.

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How To Move A Pigeon Nest (Precautions + How To)
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