Pest control: How to get rid of pigeons (a product guide)

These cute little bird might be a somewhat interesting entertaining and a nice feature in parks but not on your property. The last thing you want is them pooping all over your outdoor furniture and car. In an attempt to find out what I can use against pigeons I did some research and this is what I found. (If you’re interested in knowing about weird and wonderful things pigeons do click this link for my article)

There is more than one way to get rid of pesky pigeons. A variety of things you can try will include steel spikes, reflective disks, ultrasonic devices and sticky material to prevent nesting. I’ve researched all these and have compiled a product guide to deal with these flying pests.

Bird-X Stainless Steel Bird Spikes Kit

Summary of product: These steel spikes prevent birds from nesting on your property. They are a great option to keep the birds away in a humane way. This is convenient as it’s a once off long lasting product. You can choose what length and direction the spikes can go as the base is flexible.

Thoughts, opinions and tips: You’ll find the snap-able design convenient because you can choose what length you want to make it. You’ll also love it because it’s easy to install and flexible enough to use even on jungle gyms if necessary. When you decide to claim back your territory this is the way to go.

Tanglefoot Bird Repellent

Summary of product: This is a simple way to get birds to stop being a nuisance and damaging your property. To birds it’s virtually invisible but in reality it’s a gel which makes surfaces unconformable for birds to stand on. This coating that can be used as a preventative measure against birds. It prevents the birds from creating nests on your windowsills and on your roof lines. Conveniently it can work on a variety of types of birds, it is easy to apply, safe and non-toxic

Thoughts, opinions and tips: The texture might be irritating to apply but you will have peace of mind when the birds stop resting and nesting on all your outdoor areas. You’ll notice birds getting stuck on it and they will struggle to get off and eventually when it does happen they won’t be back again.

Bird Blinder – Bird Repellent Scare Tape (Triple Thick)

Summary of product: For a quick and easy way to scare birds this tape is a good option. This tape reflects light distracting, confusing and scaring pigeons away. It’s quite thick so it won’t erode or tear when blowing in the wind. You can use this by hanging it out on windows, doors, fruit trees and anywhere else you see fit.

Thoughts, opinions and tips: Surprisingly it protects well, no more birds pooping in gardens, on cars or windows. Be sure to leave the tape where the wind will make it flap.  Note that the flapping can be annoying.

Bird Blinder Repellent PinWheels – Sparkly Holographic Pin Wheel Spinners Scare Off Birds and Pests   

Summary of product: This is great if you want to ensure that your pigeons are deterred in a humane and natural way. The premise is similar to the tape as the pin wheel reflects sunlight off of it distracting, confusing and scaring pigeons away from the area.

Thoughts, opinions and tips: This product is also good for keeping rabbits away. Note that the only way this will work is if the wind is blowing.  If you have any birds, squirrels or rabbits in your garden they will also be affected.  Be sure to read instructions carefully. Soon enough you will see a very large decrease in birds and eventually they will all be gone.

Chephon Upgraded Bird Repellent Discs Set

Summary of product: This pigeon solution doubles as a beautiful decoration for your house as well as a deterrent.  These discs reflect light to distract, confuse and scare pigeons away. It works on a variety of birds including pigeons, sparrows, rabbits, seagulls, herons, foxes and other animals. If you don’t want to use spikes or owl decoys this is a great solution. Use them for maximum bird control without having to do any harm to the environment but add to it.

Thoughts, opinions and tips: I love that the light reflections are a beautiful and helpful way to keep property pigeon free. It can last a couple of months but watch out, when it is very windy the discs will bang on other objects

BirdBusters Bird Free Optical Flame Bird Repellent Gel – Birds See Flames!

Summary of product: This is a very interesting way to deter birds from your structure. When birds approach this product it mimics the appearance of fire and flames. This is possible because birds can see ultraviolet light and will see “flames” The birds are scared off by what looks like a wall of fire. Thankfully its not actually destructive to buildings, this can last for last for up to 2 years

Thoughts, opinions and tips: Its too bad we humans cane see in ultraviolet light, it would have been interesting to see what birds see, then again it wasn’t made for us. Be assure that this works as pigeons are kept off the property preventing them from pooping all over the place and leaving a nasty appearance.

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Pest control: How to get rid of pigeons (a product guide)
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