The eyes are one of the most important parts of any animal, including turtles, so, if you think that there is something wrong with your pet’s eyes then figuring out what is wrong and solving the problem is of utmost importance.
This article is a look into what may be wrong with your turtle’s eyes.
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What’s wrong with my turtle’s eyes?
A variety of afflictions can affect your turtle’s eyes, some more serious than others and all these have different ways of treatment.
Here is what may be wrong with your turtle’s eyes:
Membrane over eyes:
If you notice a translucent film moving horizontally across your pet’s eyes then don’t worry, this is the animal’s nictitating membrane.
This membrane exists in all turtles and is needed to protect the eye and keep it moist. Seeing this does not mean that there is something wrong with your pet
White eyes:
If your pet’s eyes are cloudy and white then this may mean that your pet has a vitamin A deficiency, an infection of the eye, or suffered an injury to the eye.
What to do:
Blood testing would be the recommended solution if you suspect that your pet has a vitamin A deficiency. This condition can be treated using vitamin supplements or by feeding the animal vitamin A-rich foods.
Avoid giving your pet supplements if you don’t have clear direction from a vet, this is because it’s easy for your pet to overdose on supplements
The animal would also need to be taken to the vet if you suspect that it has an eye infection or suffered injury to the eye.
Swelling of eyes:
If your turtle’s eyes are swollen then your pet may be suffering from a respiratory infection.
Respiratory infections move fast, not only are they contagious but they can also develop into pneumonia which can be fatal for turtles.
The disease can harbor in your pet for a while before the animal starts showing signs of infection, so, getting treatment for your pet, as soon as you see signs of infection, is a must.
Other signs of infection in your pet include a lack of energy, swimming lopsided, a loss of appetite, wheezing, excessive basking, and excessive yawning
What to do:
The best thing you can do for an animal who you think has a respiratory infection is take the animal to the vet.
The vet will examine the animal, run blood tests on it, and offer treatment if the tests show that the animal has a respiratory infection.
Red eyes:
Red eyes in turtles can be caused by the animal’s water. If your pet’s water contains too high levels of ammonia then the ammonia may irritate the animal’s eyes causing the eyes to go red
Another sign of eye irritation in a turtle is the animal constantly rubbing its eyes.
What to do:
Immediately replacing the water in your pet’s tank should get rid of the animal’s red eyes.
Maintaining an optimal water chemical balance in your pet’s water should help to keep your pet’s eyes irritation-free in the future.
Make sure that the filtration system in your pet’s enclosure is appropriate for your pet and the tank. This will keep your pet’s eyes healthy.
Also, make sure that the filer is not clogged and that it is big enough to meet the needs of the tank
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