Why Is My Turtle Filter Making Noise? (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)

Any odd noise made in and around your turtle’s tank, by the turtle or by something else, will be worrying to you.

If you’ve figured out that the strange noises are being made by the filter then you are one step closer to remedying the problem

This article is a look into why your turtle filter is making noise

Why is my turtle filter making noise?

Noises coming from your filter will not only irritate you, but they will also scare your pet turtle. But, once you’ve figured out why the filter is making noises you can nip it in the bud.

Here is why your pet’s filter seems to be making so much noise:


Your filter may be making a whole lot of noise because it needs to be leaned.

These devices collect dirt, waste, and even algae from the tank, this keeps the tank water clean. Unfortunately, all this waste may collect in the tank and the result will be loud noises.

The noises happen as water passes by the dirt in the filter

What to do:

If you haven’t cleaned the filter in a while then clean the filter as soon as you can. Here is how to clean the filter:

Star off by unplugging the filter and removing all the filter media from the device, use the tank water to rinse these out, rinse until the filter is no longer green.

Once done, rinse any part of the filter that has waste or algae on it.

Next, rinse out the intake nozzle, this is the nozzle that extends down into the water.

You may need to use a pipe cleaning brush to do this, or, you can use an old toothbrush to remove all the dirt, waste, and algae

Damaged filter:

If your filter is already clean, but the machine is making noises, then there may be something broken internally, or, the filter may simply be too old and needs to be replaced.

The impeller, in the filter, could be worn or damaged and this could be making the noise. Or, the impeller may need some lubricant to smooth out the noises.

Alternatively, there may be loose parts in the filter and these loose moving parts may be making all the noise. Also, if your filter is old, then it may start to make noises.

What to do:

If the impeller needs a lubricant then you can use Vaseline on it, vaseline is turtle-safe. If the impeller is worn or damaged then replace it.

Check that there aren’t any loose parts in the machine, if there are then secure them in place. And if your filter is old then you’d need to get a new filter.

Improper placement:

Another reason why your filter may be making noise may be because the machine is not placed on a level surface.

If the machine is not on a level surface then it may vibrate and cause noises, or, it may vibrate against other objects

What to do:

A quick fix for this would be to put the filter on a flat surface and make sure that the filter isn’t leaning on or touching anything

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Why Is My Turtle Filter Making Noise? (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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