How To Take Care Of A Pigeon Egg (A Guide + FAQ’s)

People find a variety of abandoned eggs from different types of birds each breeding season, and each breeding season, people want to know how to take care of eggs that seem to be abandoned by their parents.

Wanting to take care of bird eggs and even the chick that hatches out of the egg is noble but not easy. If you want more information on how to care of a pigeon egg then read on.

If you want to take care of a pigeon egg then you need to start off by keeping it in a safe place that is warm enough to allow them to hatch. If you can, keep the eggs in an incubator. A good temperature to set the incubator at is between 37.2-37.5 Celsius and at 55-60% humidity.

How to take care of a pigeon egg

If you love to be out in nature then you may stumble onto a pigeon egg or a nest of eggs that have been abandoned by their parents.

The first thing on your mind may be to call a wildlife authority, alternatively, you can decide to be a good Samaritan and take care of the pigeon eggs yourself.

If you decide to take care of the eggs, you need to find a safe place to keep them. This place needs to be warm enough for them to hatch, and the best bet is an incubator.

Set the incubator to 37.2 Celsius on the low end or 37.5 Celsius on the high end with a humidity of about 55% to 60%.

Next, you’ll need a plan outlining how you’ll care for the chick when they hatch. You’ll need to get some supplies to feed the little animal once it has hatched from the shell.

You also need to make sure that you have a suitable place to care for the little pigeon until it can make it on its own.

How long can pigeon eggs be left alone without incubation?

Pigeon eggs, like all bird eggs, need to be kept warm, if they are cold for too long the eggs will die and never hatch.

On average, without incubation, the egg can be left alone with no incubation for 24 hours if the environment is chilly to cool. It can be left alone for 48 hours in warm and hot temperatures.

If you find abandoned eggs and you wouldn’t know how long they’ve been sitting there, it would be best to get them to a warm place as quickly as you can.


Can pigeon eggs hatch without father?

Pigeon eggs need to be fertilized to be viable and to hatch, so, if the male pigeon is not around to fertilize the eggs, then they will not be viable and will not hatch.

How do you know if a pigeon egg is alive?

A common way to test whether an egg is alive is to candle it.

This is how to candle an egg: you shine a bright light against the egg’s shell while in a dark room or at night. If you see veins in the egg or the outline of the bird then that’s a good sign that the egg is still alive.

But if the egg starts to smell over time, even after you’ve candled it and found a bird outline, then, unfortunately, you’ve probably lost that chick, and it is starting to rot.

Can I touch a pigeon egg?

Yes, you can touch a pigeon egg. Touching a pigeon egg won’t affect the egg and the mother bird won’t abandon it just because you’ve touched it.

There are myths that suggest that the mother bird will somehow recognize a human’s scent, but that’s not true.

How do you know if an egg is going to hatch?

When it’s time for an egg to hatch you will notice movements and sounds coming from the egg. These are signs that the tiny animal is working hard to break free from the egg.

This causes movement of the egg and when the egg breaks, you may also hear a cry of life. These are all signs that an egg is about to hatch.


In conclusion, to take care of an egg you need to incubate it at a temperature that will keep the egg alive, you also need to keep the humidity at the right level. Also, create a plan as to how to take care of the bird that hatches.

The egg cannot survive without incubation and won’t survive if left alone for too long. You can candle the egg to know if it’s alive and you can touch a pigeon egg with no worry that the mother will disown it.

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How To Take Care Of A Pigeon Egg (A Guide + FAQ’s)
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