Why Are My Turtle’s Eye Blue? (1 Reason Why + What To Do)

One of the more shocking things that some turtle owners will experience is discovering that their pet turtle has blue eyes, if this is happening to you then you’d understandably be quite interested as to why this phenomenon is happening. 

This article looks not why your turtle’s eyes are blue 

Why are my turtle’s eyes blue?

Brown, black red, and yellow are common turtle eye colors, blue eyes in turtles are relatively unheard of. If this is happening with your pet you’d understandably be confused

Here is why this may be happening with your pet turtle:

Normal eye coloring: 

If you’re raising a red-eared slider, and the animal’s eyes have always been blue since the animal was a hatchling, then there is nothing wrong and you have nothing to worry about.

These types of turtles can have a variety of different eye colors including green yellow, orange and blue 

Other turtles that have blue eyes include central American wood turtles, brown-roofed turtles, and Malaysian giant turtles.

What to do:

As long as your pet’s eye color was this blue when the reptile was a hatchling then your pet will be fine and is normal. 

The animal’s eye color will stay as it is now, or at least very close, for the rest of the animal’s life. 

If you’re worried you can take your pet to the vet to make sure that there isn’t anything wrong with the animal 

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Why Are My Turtle’s Eye Blue? (1 Reason Why + What To Do)
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