Why Is My Turtle Nose Red? (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)

You always need to be observing your pet turtle, observing the animal ensures that you’ll pick up if anything out of the ordinary shows up in your pet. Your turtle’s nose suddenly turning red is out of the ordinary 

This article looks into why this may be happening with your pet turtle.


Why is my turtle’s nose red?

Turtles are known for their distinct features and their interesting facial markings, but these animals aren’t exactly known to have red noses. 

Here is what may be happening if your pet has a red nose:


One of the simplest reasons why your pet turtle may have a red nose may be that the animal injured its nose. The animal could have injured its nose by rubbing it against the substrate in the enclosure, by burrowing in a rough substrate, or from decorations in the tank.

What to do:

The animal’s nose will heal on its own in good time if the nose is injured. You may want to remove the decoration that caused this injury and you may want to replace your pet’s substrate. 

If you’re looking to change your pet’s substrate then you can use a mixture of topsoil (without fertilizers or chemicals) peat moss and cypress mulch.

Make the substrate about four to five inches deep, this will enable the turtle to burrow into it but won’t injure the animal’s nose.

Birth defect:

If your pet’s nose is red, and if the nose has always been red, then this may have happened because the turtle had a birth defect since it was a hatchling 

What to do:

Take a look at the redness to see if it’s shaped like a birthmark would or if there seems to be something covering the animal’s nostrils, think back to how the animal looked when it was hatched. 

If you’re still worried about the animal then take your pet to the vet for a check-up 


Another reason why your pet turtle’s nose may be red may be that the animal has an infection at its nose 

If your pet does have an infection then you’ll notice other signs of infection such as lethargy, mucus or discharge coming out of the nose, bubbles coming out of the nose, trouble remaining underwater, and a loss of appetite 

What to do:

Taking your pet to a vet who has reptile experience is the recommended solution in this case. The vet will examine the animal, run tests, and then give you a diagnosis and treatment based on what your pet has. 

If there are no reptile specialists in your area then you can request that your local vet take a conference call with an experienced reptile specialist vet to give guided care. 

Isolate the turtle until you can get it to the vet.

If your pet starts to develop a medical condition then the recommended first step is to make sure that your pet’s husbandry and environment are appropriate for the species. 

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Why Is My Turtle Nose Red? (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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