Why Does My Budgie Chirp When I Talk? (1 Reason Why + What To Do)

Budgies are known to be full of character. They have bubbly and energetic personalities and will chirp a lot.

Understanding what the chirping means will help you connect with the bird more.

This article looks into why your budgie chirps when you talk.

Why does my budgie chirp when I talk?

Budgies make a variety of sounds and you may be curious as to what these different sounds mean and why the birds make these sounds at different times.

Here is why your budgie chirps when you talk:


A budgie who chirps when you talk to it is happy and is trying to communicate this.

Budgies make chirping noises to communicate to their flock members, you included, that all is well.

If your bird starts chirping at you as soon as you get into its space then this is the bird’s way of greeting you.

If you aren’t talking to your budgie directly then the bird may want your attention and will chirp until you give it some attention.

If your bird continues to chirp at you as you talk to it then this is the bird’s way of continuing the conversation.

So, if you are on good terms with your budgie, then don’t be surprised when it chirps at you all day long.

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Why Does My Budgie Chirp When I Talk? (1 Reason Why + What To Do)
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