Why Is My Turtle’s Nose Bleeding? (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)

Nose bleeds, whether they happen in humans or turtles, are quite startling and worrisome, if this happening with your pet turtle then getting to the bottom of what’s going on is a must 

This article looks into why your turtle’s nose is bleeding 

Why is my turtle’s nose bleeding?

Discovering that your turtle has a nosebleed can be distressing to any turtle raiser, and indicates that something is not normal.

Here is why your pet turtle’s nose may be bleeding

Dry environment:

The environment that you’re keeping your pet in may be the reason behind the bleeding that you’re seeing in your pet.

If the air in your turtle’s enclosure is too dry then this can cause the animal’s nose to bleed, this will usually be a minor nosebleed. 

What to do:

Checking to see if the humidity and temperature settings in your pet’s enclosure are correct for the type of turtle that you’re raising would be the first step.  Change these accordingly if they are not optimal 


Turtles can be quite curious animals, unfortunately, this can be dangerous to the reptile sometimes. Your pet may have gotten some debris or a foreign object in its nose and this may be what’s causing the bleeding 

A turtle’s nostrils lead to the roof of his mouth so the object or damage may be coming from either the nose or mouth 

If our pet fell from a high height then the fall may have caused an internal injury and this would have resulted in the bleeding that you’re seeing


What to do:

If your pet will let you, have a look in the animal’s nose to see if there is some debris or a foreign object at the animal’s nose or mouth

The animal should be able to get the debris or foreign object out on its own, but if it can’t then get the animal to a vet  

You can stop the bleeding by using gentle pressure and some plain cornstarch on the area to get it to stop bleeding, do this until the bleeding stops  if it’s a superficial wound then you don’t have to worry 

The injury after a fall could be quite serious and could need veterinary attention, or, it could be minor and resolve itself.

The best thing to do in this situation would simply be to take the animal to the vet to be examined and x-rays to be taken of the reptile to examine the extent of the injury. 

It bit its tongue: 

Another reason why your pet’s nose may be bleeding may be that the animal cut its tongue on something.

The tongue is very vascular and if it were to be cut on it then the tongue would produce a lot of blood, this may be what you’re seeing 

What to do:

Turtle tongues tend to heal themselves fairly quickly. If the animal’s tongue is cut you can clean off the blood for now and wait for the tongue to heal.

Removing what may have caused the tongue to bleed should be a priority 

If the blood at the tongue continues to flow then there may be another problem. 

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Why Is My Turtle’s Nose Bleeding? (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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